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Full Version: Change Hybrid settings path?
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Still working on my Manjaro install - Is it possible to change the Hybrid Settings path (greyed out in Config->Paths Infos panel) from it's current value ($HOME/.hybrid) to the more Manjaro-like $HOME/.config/hybrid ?

I mean, *after* compilation, presumably I could change this somewhere in the install files if installing from source myself.

Not at all the end of the world if not!  Just trying to be neat and tidy Manjaro.
There is a misc.ini option for changing the settings path. (see: [INFO] *hidden* Hybrid options,...).
Hybrid, looks for the misc.ini:
a. next to the binary
b. in '~/.hybrid/'.

I can add an additional path to this for the next release.

Cu Selur
Thanks for such a quick answer!

I would not lose any sleep over it, if it isn't a straightforward GUI-adjustable. If you add for Manjaro, another time you'll need to add for the peculiarities of some other distribution and so on ad infinitum.

I'll just create a link .hybrid to .config/hybrid, or more likely even just live with .hybrid - end of story :-)

Thanks again!