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Full Version: About zoom on the AviSynth preview screen.
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How can I zoom in up to the pixels like in VapourSynth? I thought scrolling was used for zooming too, but I guess it's really just for scrolling  Smile
short: No
In the lower right corner in the Vapoursynth Preview (vsViewer) Window you can select:
  • Fit to frame: this way the preview will be resized to the window size (using the resizer next to it)
  • Fixed ratio: this way you can select a zoom ratio (using 'ctrl+mouse wheel' you can change this value too) to zoom in
  • No zoom: this way no zoom will be performed

In Avisynth Preview (avsViewer) nothing like this exists. Smile Patches are welcomed. (

Cu Selur
I hope someone does it This is beyond me.  Big Grin
Assuming you are using 64bit Avisynth, try whether replacing the current avsViewer64.exe with the attached one works for you.

Cu Selur

Ps.: Also attached a 32bit version.
you've been incredibly helpful. Thank you very much!