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Full Version: Adding a new filter to Avisynth
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I use the Protoon from the Custom panel, everything was normal and stable except for the "thing". Is it possible to include Protoon in the GUI?
Yes, it could be added bei writing a "Custom script/filter additon". Smile
I'll write an xml file for it,..
Quote:By the way, if I'm not using the wrong version of MaskTools, I'm getting an error with the mt_lutxy parameter in ProToon.avsi.
here too, using:
# loading source: G:\TestClips&Co\files\test.avi
# color sampling YV12@8, matrix: bt601, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
LWLibavVideoSource("G:\TestClips&Co\files\test.avi",cache=false,dr=true,format="YUV420P8", prefer_hw=0)
# current resolution: 640x352
# calling custom script 'ProToon'
proToon(strength=48, luma_cap=191, thinning=24, mask=true, show=false, sharpen=true, ssw=4, ssh=4, xstren=255, xthresh=255)
# Converting from 8 to 10bit for encoder
# setting output fps to 25.000fps
#  output: color sampling YV12@10, matrix: bt601, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
return last

What masktools2 version is needed for this to work?
(atm. it seems like there is a bug when thinning is used)

Cu Selur
With this, proToon should work in both Avisynth and Vapoursynth.

Cu Selur
I noticed there was a problem in protoon.avsi, and it wasn't related to MaskTools. While I was trying to figure out how to fix it, I saw that you had already taken care of it. I'm really happy about that. Thanks for your help!
The bug I fixed was related to when thinning was used.
In this case, a mt_lutxyz-call was used while missing a parameter. Wink
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