17.09.2024, 03:56
That post of yours, is trash. It's a pain to read. Too many layers of quotes, which contain only already said data.
You answered inside quotes.
=> please, keep your posts more readable or I will not try to read them.
Mentions bt709 color matrix, bt2020 color primaries and smpte2084 color transfer.
If it does write a step-by-step on how to reproduce the problem and I can try to look into it.
No clue, why the 'Default container' combo box is empty on your screenshot, can't reproduce that here.
Cu Selur
You answered inside quotes.

=> please, keep your posts more readable or I will not try to read them.
Quote:That's very interesting. So if I just manually set the option here as Rec.2020ncl it would be all correct?Yes, that should work.
Quote:I tried to test the Auto crop option to see if it now works with avs scripts, but I can't use it.It's disabled since you enabled 'Crop/Resize->Misc->On Source Change->Auto Crop' which disables the controls and only triggers the crop detection on a source change. If you enable it after a source already has been loaded, it only disables the controls.
The option appears disabled and you can't interact with it. And this happens all the time, both with avs scripts and MKV files.
Quote:And also the avs script works correctly without the need to read dependencies, as it was always the case in older versions.This was due to a bug which I re-introduced, this might change in the future, so I would recommend to not rely on it.
Quote:There is one strange thing though:Yes, Hybrid does always try to guess the color matrix based on the resolution, if the source does contain the necessary info.
As I told you days ago, when I open in Hybrid an avs script that has already inside a resize to 1080 then Hybrid reported that it cannot find color matrix and then it assumes it is bt709 since the video size is larger than 720*576.
Quote:And now obviously the same thing is still happening, but the strange thing is that even though this happens (Hybrid assumes the color as bt709) if I make an encode and then open it in MediaInfo it turns out that the encode is bt2020 anyway.That depends on your setting, if you tell Hybrid to flag the content as bt2020 it will even if the content it has is bt709.
That is, it doesn't matter if Hybrid assumes that the matrix color is bt709 or bt2020ncl, because anyway it always generates a resulting encode that is 2020.
Is this normal?
Quote:It should be noted that there is a strange thing that keeps happening as I explained in previous messages, and I do not understand why.Tagging the content is independent of the processing of the content.
And that is that I have checked the text of the logs after doing encodes and it still continues to appear many times the text "709" by numerous places, despite the fact that I am encoding 2020.
Is this a bit strange? Or is it normal and nothing to worry about?
-color_primaries bt2020 -color_trc smpte2084 -colorspace bt709
Quote:I attach several debug outputs of some encode tests, in which you can search and find many "709":Okay, not sure what to do with that. Since I'm unsure what you want to know about them.
- HybridDebugOutput - MKV (4K): Encode of a 4K MKV (the input is a normal mkv, not an avs script).
- HybridDebugOutput - avs script (4K): Encode of an avs script (the original 4K is kept, without resizing to 1080)
- HybridDebugOutput - avs script (4K resize to 1080): Encode of an avs script (resize to 1080 within the avs script itself)
Quote:By the way, when I encode in this version of Hybrid the result ends up with 2 files (.265 and .mkv) instead of only .mkv as it has always happened to me.No clue why this happens. Deinstall Hybrid, delete your settings, install latest dev, try if it still happens with that version.
I guess it's because this option is disabled as well as the Auto crop option. And I have always chosen MKV in this option but now I can't choose anything, and I guess this is the cause of this problem, but I don't know.
If it does write a step-by-step on how to reproduce the problem and I can try to look into it.
No clue, why the 'Default container' combo box is empty on your screenshot, can't reproduce that here.
Cu Selur