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Full Version: Encoding MKVs in 4:3
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I mostly use the QTGMC feature with Bob selected to deinterlace 4:3 MKV files extracted from DVD. I then export the finished product to other software for upscaling. The other software program naturally always defaults to 16:9 with black bars on each side when upscaling unless I specifically ask it to do otherwise.

However, knowing that some DVDs have encoded the 4:3 files differently, my upscaling software will add black bars on the top and bottom of these files as well when converted to 16:9, unless I remember to tell it to encode using the square pixel setting.

Is there any specific setting within Hybrid I should be using that will do this for me automatically?
By default, Hybrid passes through the input PAR ([INFO] About pixel aspect ratios,..), so independent of the cropping, if the source par is properly set Hybrid will pass it to the output.
If you want to change the input par (in case the source isn't properly flagged) or you need another output par use the settings under "Crop/Resize->Base->Pixel Aspect Raion (PAR)'.
My guess is that the other software doesn't default to 16:9 DAR, but always assumes a 1:1 PAR, so if you open the Vapoursynth Preview and the output is not distorted and you told Hybrid that the output PAR should be 1:1 you should be fine. If the Vapoursynth Preview is distorted, the input PAR is not correct.

Cu Selur