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Full Version: Support For Radeon R9 200 series
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Hi. Please help me.

Hybrid find my card:

Detected the following cards which seem to lack NVIDIA PureVideo support:  AMD Radeon R9 200 Series  Standard VGA Graphics Adapter  RDP Reflector Display Driver  RDPDD Chained DD  RDP Encoder Mirror Driver
No card found that's supported by nvenc, the CUDA encoding library. -> Removing CUDA based encoding support. Card name was compared against:

But dont' support it when encode a video. I have selected "opencl" in x264 but still dont work and use only CPU
I have installed right drivers, because another program of video conversion use the GPU of my card with "opencl"

Someone tell me if can be the possibility to use my card with Hybrid. Thank you.
OpenCL support in x264 is really limited and doesn't do much.
Nothing I can do about it.

Instead of NVENC, VCEEnc should be available which uses the AMD Hardware Encoder Chip.
+ Most of the opencl based filters should also run faster on AMD cards.

Cu Selur
(15.05.2018, 05:14)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]OpenCL support in x264 is really limited and doesn't do much.
Nothing I can do about it.

Instead of NVENC, VCEEnc should be available which uses the AMD Hardware Encoder Chip.
+ Most of the opencl based filters should also run faster on AMD cards.

Cu Selur

VCEEnc work with my card. Thank you very much.