How to set hybrid to leave untouched High Dynamic Range parameters during conversion HDR video?Second question is: do i can convert standard dynamic range video to High dynamic range(If yes.How to set hybrid to do that)?
Quote:How to set hybrid to leave untouched High Dynamic Range parameters during conversion HDR video
By default, Hybrid should read the ColorMatrix&Co values and load them in x265. (please check, since I fixed a bug a while ago there and I'm not sure whether this fix is in the current release; iirc the Matrix wasn't read properly).
Assuming the values are read all correctly:
- needed:enable 'x265->Signaling->General Signaling->HDR'
- needed: check that 'x265->Signaling->Video Information->Color' 'Range' and 'Matrix' are enabled (should be the default)
- gimmick: enable 'x265->Signaling->Video Information->Color' 'Primaries', 'Video format', 'Transfer characteristics' in case they are not 'unkown'
- needed: enable 'x265->Signaling->Video Information->Light Level', 'x265->Signaling->Video Information->Master Display'
- for dynamic HDR-10 content provide the dynamic data info under 'x265->Signaling->Video Information->Dynamic HDR-10'
Quote:Second question is: do i can convert standard dynamic range video to High dynamic range(If yes.How to set hybrid to do that)?
Hybrid does no color grading&co, but it allows to specify the needed HDR signaling. So if you got an already properly graded content you:
- needed:enable 'x265->Signaling->General Signaling->HDR'
- needed: disable everything under 'x264->Signaling->Adjust color'
- Specify the 'x265->Signaling->Video Information'-options to match your color grading etc.
Cu Selur
Im using nvenc and need settings for that.Thanks.Encoding video in 4k on cpu i takes years
It's basically the same for nvenc:
- enable HDR Signaling
- enable the HDR Signaling values
- enable and set the settings under Video Usability Information
Again make sure to check the Color Matrix value, like I wrote before I'm not sure it's read properly in the current version.
-> will send you a link to my current dev version, which should read the ColorMatrix properly
Cu Selur
Hello ,
in fact I tried to keep HDR informations on my encode without success for now.
I used theses settings (see attached file).
My Sony A1 detect HDR content with full iso or remux but when I do my own encode , no chance.
So I did something wrong but I don't know what
a. normally Hybrid reads the HDR data from the input and fills the LigtLevel&Master Display info, which didn't happen in your case for some reason
b. your settings to not include LightLevel values and Master Display data so no hdr data do set
-> Can't tell you more without details, read the sticky,..