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Full Version: Anyway to see a preview of the video (even a still image) before rendering?
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Ok, I'm loving Hybrid so far (using it for video rendering, problems with NVENC but not that big of a deal)

is there anyway to see a preview of the video? I'm trying to find the perfect setting for remastering old footage using AviSynth.
Quote:is there anyway to see a preview of the video?
Do you mean:
  1. A preview of the filtered source? Then: 'Yes, simply use the AvisynthPreview.' (or VapoursynthPreview if you use Vapoursynth)
  2. A preview of the filtered source that is encoded with the settings you chose?
    Then: No really. What you could do is encode only a section of the source (enable: 'Config->Internals->Cut Support' and make sure to read the tool tips).
  3. Something different I didn't think of. -> Please explain.

Cu Selur