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Full Version: Distorted avisynth preview
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I know. Didn't have the time to look at the avsViewer code and test and rewrite.
Might take me a while before I can look into it, so don't hold your breath.
Until it's mentioned in the changelog upcoming releases are not expected to fix this.

Cu Selur
Looked into it some more, no clue why it really is happening so only way I see atm. to fix this is to rewrite avsViewer from scratch.
-> not happening any time soon.

Cu Selur
Same defect now appears also on vapoursynth preview. Only the first frame is visible, next frames not visible.
[Image: 5b9a08ab5decddb680e505f59c3d9b69.jpeg]

Normal preview is working.

Sample file
For to reproduce distorted effect on avisynth preview, important set this settings:
[Image: e88ab73ec99628f742deb6607adeec35.jpeg]
That source seems simply buggy or not supported that well by libav to me.
FFMS2K and FFMS2 seem to work better than libavsource.
-> totally different thing, nothing I can do about it. Not looking into it further
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