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I just installed a GEFORCE GTX 960 graphic card on my ASUS Z87 motherboard, I clicked on "use GPU" option, but my CPU is still at 95%. Sad
Can Hybrid use the CUDA procs of a GC ?
what else should i check please ?

If you installed the graphic card after installing Hybrid, clear the tool Cache (Config->Tools->Clear...).

Also: What did you enable exactly? And only because you enabled use GPU somewhere, that doesn't meaning that the GPU will and can be used for everything.
So be more precise in describing of what you do, so others can try to help.

Cu Selur

sorry, you're right, but I had already closed Hybrid, so I didn't remember the right name of the option...

it's in "config / input / use gpu for decoding"
I kept "method = Auto", as I don't know if my motherboard has avx2... Sad

yes I installed the card AFTER Hybrid, so I'll clear the tool cache ASAP

Quote:"config / input / use gpu for decoding"
the tool-tip states:
Quote:Use gpu decoding:
When enabled Hybrid will add '-hwaccel auto' to ffmpeg decoding calls.

This option has no effect if the selected hwaccel is not available or not supported by the chosen decoder (only mpeg-2, H.264, VC-1 and WMV3 content are supported atm.).
Note that most acceleration methods are intended for playback and will not be faster than software decoding on modern CPUs. Additionally, ffmpeg will usually need to copy the decoded frames from the GPU memory into the system memory, resulting in further performance loss. So this option might not provide any additional speed and thus is mainly useful for testing.

Only enable if your ffmpeg version and your Hardware does support DXVA2 (on Windows) or VDPAU/VDA (on Linux/Unix).
the important part is here to ffmpeg decoding calls, so as soon as Avisynth or Vapoursynth is used that option doesn't do anything.

That said, depending on what you do there are multiple ways to use the gpu:
  • "Config->Input->Decoding->Use gpu for decoding" will tell Hybrid to use hardware decoding in case neither Avisynth nor Vapoursynth  (or DVDiInput) is used
  • "x264->Misc->Main->OpenCL" enabled x264s openCL based motion estimation (doesn't help much on most systems)
  • Depending on your drivers and GPU capabilities Hybrid offers you 'NVEnc' and 'NCEnc (ffmpeg)' (<-experimental) as encoders. Depending on you GPU NVEnc will support H.264 and H.265 encoding. When using NVEncC and no Avisynth or Vapoursynth filtering is needed, you can also use the options under NVEnc->Filtering.
  • When using Avisynth (32bit) filters, some filters allow gpu assistance, which is usually enabled through a 'gpu' or 'opencl' option and there are also filters like NLMeansCL2, KNLMeans, fft3dgpu which are gpu based. In case you own DGDecNV from Donald Graft it can also be used through Hybrid as a source filter (you need to copy your DGDecNV files and your license.txt file into the Hybrid/32bit/avisynthPlugins-folder to use it). Additionally there is FRIM which is also a gpu based source filter.
  • When using Vapoursynth (64bit), like for Avisynth there a bunch of filters which are either GPU based or GPU assisted (again 'gpu' or 'opencl' option).

Cu Selur
(11.09.2018, 16:47)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]That said, depending on what you do there are multiple ways to use the gpu:
  1. "Config->Input->Decoding->Use gpu for decoding" will tell Hybrid to use hardware decoding in case neither Avisynth nor Vapoursynth  (or DVDiInput) is used
  2. "x264->Misc->Main->OpenCL" enabled x264s openCL based motion estimation (doesn't help much on most systems)
  3. Depending on your drivers and GPU capabilities Hybrid offers you 'NVEnc' and 'NCEnc (ffmpeg)' (<-experimental) as encoders. Depending on you GPU NVEnc will support H.264 and H.265 encoding. When using NVEncC and no Avisynth or Vapoursynth filtering is needed, you can also use the options under NVEnc->Filtering.
  4. When using Avisynth (32bit) filters, some filters allow gpu assistance, which is usually enabled through a 'gpu' or 'opencl' option and there are also filters like NLMeansCL2, KNLMeans, fft3dgpu which are gpu based. In case you own DGDecNV from Donald Graft it can also be used through Hybrid as a source filter (you need to copy your DGDecNV files and your license.txt file into the Hybrid/32bit/avisynthPlugins-folder to use it). Additionally there is FRIM which is also a gpu based source filter.
  5. When using Vapoursynth (64bit), like for Avisynth there a bunch of filters which are either GPU based or GPU assisted (again 'gpu' or 'opencl' option).


1. I'm encoding to H.265 without Avisynth neither Vapoursynth, but my CPU is still running at 95%, so I'm guessing that my CG is not used ; my core i7 4770 has AVX2 functions
--> what can i do to be sure that Hybrid uses my CG's AVX2 functions,  and not my CPU's ?
3. I looked almost everywhere but couldn't find how to select 'NVEnc' or 'NCEnc (ffmpeg)' encoders

Quote:What can i do to be sure that Hybrid uses my CG's AVX2 functions,  and not my CPU's ?
I'm pretty sure the graphic card as no AVX2, since that is a cpu instruction set.

Quote:I looked almost everywhere but couldn't find how to select 'NVEnc' or 'NCEnc (ffmpeg)' encoders
Assuming you cleared your tool cache Hybrid should detect your graphic card or mention that it didn't detect a nvenc capable card.

In case a nvenc capable card is detected 'NVEncC --check-features' is used to detect which options are available with the current gpu and driver combination, in case H.264 or H.265 is supported, NVEncC is offered under Base->Processing->Video.

Cu Selur

i'm not used with the right vocabulary, excuse-me

here is a [Image: 717d2a] (put on wetransfer)

in the log tab I have "Detected NVIDIA PureVideo compatible cards:   GeForce GTX 960"

so what does that mean ? is it ok ? what should i do to encode in H265 using the CG ?

Nope, that's not all right, since NVEnc isn't listed. (You did reset the tools cache, right?)
What is the output you get when you call 'NVEncC.exe --check-features' (which is located inside your Hybrdi/64bit folder) ?

yes i cleared the tool cache the evening of the day you asked me to do it

I'll re-cleared the tool cche & run the test tonight
(but i don't have faith anymore... do you think it's related to the GC ? & that maybe it'd be better with a more recent one, like 1060 or 1080 ?)

Like I wrote, before check the output of NVEncC --check-features,...
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