Selur's Little Message Board

Full Version: Remove duplicate frames
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There is a file of 50 Hz with duplicate frames. In VirtualDub, I can convert it to 25 Hz.

[Image: 07f71a32bc66f0217d3e979e891dee33.jpg]
How to do this operation in the Hybrid?
No clue why this is a PM, but...
one of these options can be used:
  • Vapoursynth: 'Filtering->Vapoursynth->Other->Select Every'
  • Avisynth: 'Filtering->Avisynth->Other->Select Every'
  • In case neither Avisynth nor Vapoursynth is used 'Filtering->Speed Change->Scale output frame rate'
the tool-tip of each of the options should explain how to use the option for your goal.
In case the frame rate isn't simple created by doubling using Vapoursynths or Avisynth 'Restore'-filter is probably a better choice.

Cu Selur