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I've got a little problem :
I'm with Windows 7 64b, I have 2 screens which allow me to have a bigger desk, but when I click on chapter-> preview window (to the right down), I can't see it on any screen.

I see it's open because I see 2 icons, but when I click on it, nothing happens, it stays as an icon Sad

is there smthg to configure in Hybrid ?

No clue why it isn't opening.
Create a debug level 9 of when you click on the button, this should show me the mplayer call that is used and hopefully the problem.

Cu Selur

the log is here

Call itself seems to be fine:
"C:\Weyb Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\mplayer.exe" -slave "Y:\2TVZM8~6\JGGTST~V\cartoons\LM2C0X~I\HE451T~E\23TRMO~2\7DBSF1~O.MKV" -forcedsubsonly -nosub -noautosub -fps 29.970 -nocache -aid 0  -ao win32 -wid 1312834 -vo direct3d -lavdopts threads=8  -edlout "C:\temp\HybridEDLFile.edl" -aspect 1.33333:1

Does MPlayer abort with an error if you call the following inside a Windows Command Prompt?
"C:\Weyb Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\mplayer.exe" "Y:\2TVZM8~6\JGGTST~V\cartoons\LM2C0X~I\HE451T~E\23TRMO~2\7DBSF1~O.MKV" -forcedsubsonly -nosub -noautosub -fps 29.970 -nocache -aid 0  -ao win32 -vo direct3d -lavdopts threads=8  -edlout "C:\temp\HybridEDLFile.edl" -aspect 1.33333:1

Cu Selur

Ps.: As a side note: try to use easier folder structures. Smile

i'll try this evening...

I presume that when you say "try to use easier folder structures", you make reference to :


if so, I can tell that I don't know why the structure is like that ! i don't have this in my explorer at all...
I presume that smthg transformed my structure in this - which has only 8 letters for each level.
i agree, my structure has often more than 8 letters like "2_addChapters_2_encode" fe...

so what is your advice in fact ? reduce the nb of letters in my structure ?

Hybrid asks Windows for short 8.3 filenames ( to avoid problems some filters and tools have with UTF-8 and system specific characters.

Cu Selur
it will be quite hard, i'll try...
Shouldn't be a problem, just makes things easier to trace. Smile

it worked fine in a Windows Command Prompt !
--> strange... Confused

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