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Full Version: How to boost dialogues in audio track...?
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How to boost dialogues during nero aac downmix to stereo?What i can do with very quiet dialogues?
Independent of the audio compression 'Audio->Audio Encoding Options->Filtering' offers:
  • 'Gain' + 'auto': audio volume will be boosted, but only so far to avoid clipping (effectiveness differs depending on the method used)
  • 'Gain' + 'manual (dB)': audio volume, will be boosted by X dB (effectiveness differs depending on the method used)
  • 'DRC': apply dynamic range compression to boost just specific frequencies
  • 'Normalize to (dB)': normalize everything to a specific dB level)
best take a clip compress it with different settings and decide which is what you want.

Cu Selur

Ps.: Also, [Info] Understanding the audio gain methods,.... might be worth a read.