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Full Version: can't run as admin
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Hi,i know this sounds dumb,but is there a way i can run Hybrid as admin since i do not want to create more profiles?
Sure, create a misc.ini file inside the Hybrid folder with the following content:

Cu Selur

I had the same problem - resolved with your solution, but 1 question :
won't this misc.ini file be deleted with the next installation/version ?

Quote:won't this misc.ini file be deleted with the next installation/version ?
only if you uninstall the old version
(you could also create a .hybrid folder inside your home folder and place the misc.ini there to even avoid this)

Also since Hybrid really is not meant to be used with admin rights, even if if would be removed it would be okay, since it would remind the user that it isn't a wise thing to do.

Cu Selur
ok thanx for your reply
i just don't know why it changed & now wants to be run with admin rights...
it appeared after i had to re-install Nvidia driver


PS : Windows refuses to create a ".hybrid" folder :-(
Quote:Windows refuses to create a ".hybrid" folder :-(
No problem here.
I open my home folder inside the file explorer select New->Folder and type .hybrid as a name.
(This is the way I did it on all Windows versions I have used so far and it never was a problem.)

Cu Selur
i succeeded via a command line (otherwise, impossible :-( )

Is it may be because I use Windows 10 pro and not home?
No clue, but happy you found a way.

Cu Selur
I have W7 Pro 64b...

as i said, it worked fine since last autumn until i re-installed the Nvidia driver 2 days ago...



Hi, I'm new to your program. Haven't used it before and after installing it and trying to launch the program I got the admin error. So here goes my question: why do you forbid us to execute Hybrid with admin priv.?

I have UAC disabled so there is no way I can open Hybrid without creating the file an adding


So that's why I'm asking. I've opened safely for years tools to edit audio and video files without any single issue so it surprised me to see that kind of error on a program oriented towards power-users.

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