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Full Version: Problem with resizing
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Greetings, i'm getting a problem.
No matter what type of resizer i chose in Filtering -> Avisynth -> Line -> Resizer, hybrid always uses the one in "Crop/resize"

Example: I pick a video, go to "crop/resize" and increase it's resolution, choosing bilinear as the resizer, then i go to "Filtering -> Avisynth -> Line -> Resizer" and chose a better one like NNEDI or Spline, i encode the video and it outputs it like it was resized with bilinear filtering.
It's like it's not overriding my choice in "crop/resize" like it should. (Or maybe i'm doing something wrong?) Choosing another resizer in "crop/resize" works, just not in the Avisynth folder.
Btw, clicking the button "Avisynth preview" does show an image of the correct resizer.

I'm using 2017.05.06.1 on windows 8.1 64bits

[EDIT:] By the way, i just tried with vapoursynth and it worked fine.. just not with avisynth.
Got it! Small bug, Hybrid didn't count the resizer as a filter which requires Avisynth and thus Avisynth wasn't used at all. Smile
(17.08.2017, 20:35)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Got it! Small bug, Hybrid didn't count the resizer as a filter which requires Avisynth and thus Avisynth wasn't used at all. Smile

Will be waiting for the next release Wink
Already send you a dev version for testing.

Cu Selur
I didn't see it at first.
Thanks, it works fine.