(16.09.2017, 14:38)mparade Wrote: [ -> ]Just to inform you using Staxrip and DGDecNV with HDR10 input: I have completed my first HDR encode using DGDecNV, but unfortunately I saw some artifacts during decoding the output:
I don't know yet if it is only a decoding problem now or if it is involved in the encode itself already due to some "problem" with decoding the original HDR content through DGDecNV.
Edit: It seems these artifacts are encoded into the output (the source material can be decoded without them).
The artifacts were due to a CUVID bug. This is fixed in the latest nVidia driver 387.92.
Today I plan to do some debugging to try to see why Vapoursynth is having a problem with DGSource(fulldepth=True)
I've found out why Vapoursynth doesn't like CS_YUV420P16 returned by DGSource(fulldepth=True). Following is the code in avisynth_compat.cpp. It's pretty obvious that Vapoursynth simply does not accept CS_YUV420P16 from Avisynth+. It should be easy to add support. Maybe someone can ask Myrsloik about this. Based on my experience he won't want to hear anything from me, although really I have no grudge against Vapoursynth.
Interestingly, the vs_normalizeRational() call is a bit surprising, considering how not so long ago Myrsloik refused to do that and insisted all filters must do it themselves.
static void VS_CC avisynthFilterInit(VSMap *in, VSMap *out, void **instanceData, VSNode *node, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi) {
WrappedClip *clip = (WrappedClip *) * instanceData;
if (!clip->preFetchClips.empty())
clip->fakeEnv->uglyNode = clip->preFetchClips.front();
const VideoInfo &viAvs = clip->clip->GetVideoInfo();
::VSVideoInfo vi;
vi.height = viAvs.height;
vi.width = viAvs.width;
vi.numFrames = viAvs.num_frames;
vi.fpsNum = viAvs.fps_numerator;
vi.fpsDen = viAvs.fps_denominator;
vs_normalizeRational(&vi.fpsNum, &vi.fpsDen);
if (viAvs.IsYV12())
vi.format = vsapi->getFormatPreset(pfYUV420P8, core);
else if (viAvs.IsYV24())
vi.format = vsapi->getFormatPreset(pfYUV444P8, core);
else if (viAvs.IsYV16())
vi.format = vsapi->getFormatPreset(pfYUV422P8, core);
else if (viAvs.IsYV411())
vi.format = vsapi->getFormatPreset(pfYUV411P8, core);
else if (viAvs.IsColorSpace(VideoInfo::CS_YUV9))
vi.format = vsapi->getFormatPreset(pfYUV410P8, core);
else if (viAvs.IsY8())
vi.format = vsapi->getFormatPreset(pfGray8, core);
else if (viAvs.IsYUY2())
vi.format = vsapi->getFormatPreset(pfCompatYUY2, core);
else if (viAvs.IsRGB32())
vi.format = vsapi->getFormatPreset(pfCompatBGR32, core);
vsapi->setError(out, "Avisynth Compat: Only YV12, YUY2 and RGB32 supported");
vi.flags = 0;
vsapi->setVideoInfo(&vi, 1, node);
It seems we just have to add two lines to the if-else:
else if (viAvs.IsColorSpace(VideoInfo::CS_YUV420P16))
vi.format = vsapi->getFormatPreset(pfYUV420P16, core);
Yup, contacting Myrsloik is your best Bet.
Cu Selur