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[HELP] Unexpected behavior with importing and exporting as image sequence
This happened with the latest Windows version of Hybrid as of writing from the official site, Hybrid 2024.04.06.1, with the Torch and vsgan models installed, if that matters.
Basically, I have this video with some parts, especially frames with dark areas, with massive banding all over it. Since it's hundreds of frames we're talking about here, I thought Hybrid would be a very nice tool to do batch debanding on these images so I tried the Flash3kDB under Vapoursynth, left the parameters at default, tested on just one frame in Hybrid, and thought hmm...looks good enough. But since I'm inputting and outputting image sequences, and possibly because I did something wrong, Hybrid is not outputting image sequence as expected; it is not outputting to the output I have set but instead left the VPY script in the folder and all the results in my %temp% with filenames that I am not preferring as results so a simple copy & paste is not an option. I thought I could maybe create some sort of script to batch rename them but I prefer to see if this is something that can be fixed by posting in the forum, just to see if it's a bug or I'm the idiot one here. By the way, the same behavior was presented when I input and output as single image too when I was testing the deband filter.
Below is how I did everything.
  1. I tried inputting an image sequence, specifically 118 PNGs, by checking the Image sequence checkbox, selecting the 1st and last frames, setting the frame rate to the original source of the image sequence at 23.976, and "pc" and "bt709" for the range and matrix respectively. Under Processing, Video is set to PNG and Audio is "ignore".
  2. Since I needed the output to be of same names in a different folder, I set the default container as "raw" (cuz I thought that should mean "stay PNG, because the inputs are PNG") and the output filename to the filename of the first image of the sequence and is displayed as 00000001.raw (because I'm not sure how else to tell Hybrid that I want the output as image sequence). Under PNG, I left everything at default.
  3. Under Filtering -> Vapoursynth -> DeBand, I checked Flash3kDB and left all parameters at their defaults.
  4. Back in Base, I clicked Add to queue and start queue and everything just works, except the output part.

All the images that were debanded looked nice. Loved it, the filter is working well. But damnit, they are all in %temp% and I think their filenames are in an order but as in 00000001_1_001.png, 00000001_1_002.png, and so on. And in the folder I set for the output, is a single VPY file. I don't know why but my guess is that this is either an unexpected behavior, or it's because of the way I did everything, especially the output part. Right now, I'm doing a workaround where I will just output everything as an FFV1 MKV and then extract their frames as PNG.
Trying to reproduce the problem.
I did the following:
  • Start Hybrid
  • load an image sequence with the settings you mentioned (frame rate doesn't really matter) (G:/clips/image sequence/ED-360-png/00001.png)
  • setting 'Default container' to 'raw' (is correct)
  • Setting an output file: G:\Output\test.raw
  • Creating the jobs (this created a job with two subjobs)
  • I then disabled Jobs->Queue->Minimize job command lines
For the two subjobs are
  • 01_create: generating vapoursynth file: encodingTempSynthSkript_2024-04-08@20_40_54_2110_0.vpy
  • 02_video:
    vspipe "G:\Output\encodingTempSynthSkript_2024-04-08@20_40_54_2110_0.vpy" - -c y4m  |  ffmpeg -y -noautorotate -nostdin -threads 8 -f yuv4mpegpipe -i - -an -sn -color_primaries bt470bg -color_trc smpte170m -colorspace bt709 -color_range pc  -vsync 0 -vcodec png -dpi 0 -dpm 0 -pred 0 -vf zscale=matrixin=709:matrix=709,format=rgb48 -pix_fmt rgb48be -metadata encoding_tool="Hybrid 2024.04.08.1" "J:\tmp\test_1_%03d.png"

=> I can reproduce the problem, will look into where the cause of the problem is. Smile

Cu Selur
Send you a link to a dev version, via pm, which should fix the problem.

Cu Selur
First of all, thank you for entertaining my post but oh my goodness you are terrifyingly and impressively responsive.

I received the dev version via PM and yeah it did fix the output issue but the naming scheme is still something like 00000001_1_%03d.png. Is there a way to enforce it so that it does not change the filenames from the input? I tried something like %08d.raw but Hybrid will always suffix that last part to the names.

Once again, thank you.
There is no way to tell Hybrid to use the same numbers as the source, you can enable 'PNG->Number as name' to tell to only use numbers as the name.

Cu Selur
I didn't mind the small inconvenience but yeah, I don't know how did I not see the Number as name checkbox there. Will try that out later since I'm already done with the crap I've been working on here.

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