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Disaster with wrong MPlayer
See attached summary

The avs scripts mentioned are simple 4-lines just to load the file.
Originally I started with avisynth code I use under windows but found I had to modify it slightly to get things to work.

For those interested, my setup is as follows:

Slackware Linux 14.2 with multilib
Wine-staging-3.7 (syswow64 enabled)


mencoder-20160125 (compiled against ffmpeg-2.8.6)
mplayer-20160125 (compiled against ffmpeg-2.8.6)

Create new folder hybrid-bin in /usr/bin
Extract contents of avisynthExtension.7z into /usr/bin/hybrid-bin
Copy Hybrid binary into /usr/bin/hybrid-bin
You need to set permissions for the binary and make it executable.
copy avisynth.dll and DEVIL.dll  to ~/.wine/drive/c/windows/syswow64
create misc.ini in ~/.hybrid folder which is created by Hybrid at first launch
Confused,.. what does MPlayer have to do with Avisynth?
MPlayer shouldn't be used when handling avisynth scripts by default. On linux avs2yuv should be used.
-> Not enough details for me to comment on it.
The MPlayer version I use on Windows is MPlayer SVN-r38109-7.3.0.
offline 02.-07. July, Big Grin
Turns out have discovered that the libcdio library on which MPlayer depends was corrupted causing the issue.
See attached revised summary.
What is clear however, Hybrid has an issue with input of vob's and there is also an issue with AVSviewer
when the file input is via avs. Hard to explain ??

Although not desirable, a workaround for the vob input problem is to first rip the dvd with MakeMKV and
feed the result into Hybrid. Avisynth preview then works as do the filters on encode.

LSMASHSource.dll packed with avisynthExtension is faulty.
lsmashvideosource  works   but   LWLibavVideoSource  does  not
Kindly fix the preview Error.
As you can see from the attached screenshot, avsViewr does work on my system but is being incorrectly called by Hybrid.
Debug file is attached.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Ah it's a problem when loading an avisynth script as source.

# loading source: /tmp/convert/Treasure-avi.avs
#  input color sampling YV12
#  input luminance scale tv
# current resolution: 640x480
SourceFiltered = Source
# deinterlacing
# filtering
# adjust color to(2): RGB32
SourceFiltered = SourceFiltered.ConvertToRGB32(matrix="Rec601")
Source = Source.ConvertToRGB32(matrix="Rec601")
StackHorizontal(Source, SourceFiltered)
return last
-> will try to look into it over the weekend
offline 02.-07. July, Big Grin
(16.05.2018, 17:58)Selur Wrote: Ah it's a problem when loading an avisynth script as source.

# loading source: /tmp/convert/Treasure-avi.avs
#  input color sampling YV12
#  input luminance scale tv
# current resolution: 640x480
SourceFiltered = Source
# deinterlacing
# filtering
# adjust color to(2): RGB32
SourceFiltered = SourceFiltered.ConvertToRGB32(matrix="Rec601")
Source = Source.ConvertToRGB32(matrix="Rec601")
StackHorizontal(Source, SourceFiltered)
return last
-> will try to look into it over the weekend
Thank You.
The preview error problem occurs irrespective of the input filter called in the avs including:
Send you a link to probably fixed version yesterday, did you try that?
Also The source Filters you use inside your external script are not the problem, the problem was that when FilterView was used, instead of:
Hybrid needed to use:
Source = Import("/tmp/convert/Treasure-avi.avs")
normal Avisynth Preview (without FilterView) should have worked.

Cu Selur
offline 02.-07. July, Big Grin
Thanks for the test version.
At first would not load giving either segmentation error or stopping on loading of NeroAACenc.
So uninstalled NeroAACenc, then attempted to load mp4 file but found this test version worse than what I had been working with.
Until now, the preview issue was largely when loading a file via avs but now the preview does not even work with just loading of a file (no avs).
Debug etc attached.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Regarding NeroAaacEnc: try whether you can call it from a console and see what it outputs. Hybrid looks at that output, but apparently the output is empty, which should not be the case when it works.

Regarding the Avisynth script:
I see no problem.
The script used:
# loading source: /tmp/convert/merged.mp4
#  input color sampling YV12
#  input luminance scale tv
Source = FFVideoSource("/tmp/convert/merged.mp4",cachefile="/tmp/mp4_064533b25950540cfe9d4ceb031af893_589265238_1_0.ffindex")
# current resolution: 720x576
SourceFiltered = Source
# deinterlacing
# filtering
# color modifications
SourceFiltered = SourceFiltered.Tweak(sat=2.00)
# adjust color to(2): RGB32
SourceFiltered = SourceFiltered.ConvertToRGB32(matrix="Rec601")
Source = Source.ConvertToRGB32(matrix="Rec601")
StackHorizontal(Source, SourceFiltered)
return last
looks fine,
The indexing call for FFVideoSource looks fine:
wine "/usr/bin/hybrid-bin/avisynthPlugins/ffmsindex.exe" -f -t 0 "/tmp/convert/merged.mp4" "/tmp/mp4_064533b25950540cfe9d4ceb031af893_589265238_1_0.ffindex"
and finished without an error.
The preview call:
"/usr/bin/hybrid-bin/avsViewer.exe" --input "/tmp/tempPreviewAvisynthFile20_13_17_816.avs" --aspect 1 --matrix Rec601 --listen 2643
looks fine too.
Don't see a problem there. (the '--listen 2643' is the port avsViewer is listening)

Cu Selur
offline 02.-07. July, Big Grin
(17.05.2018, 17:26)Selur Wrote: Regarding NeroAaacEnc: try whether you can call it from a console and see what it outputs. Hybrid looks at that output, but apparently the output is empty, which should not be the case when it works.

Regarding the Avisynth script:
I see no problem.
The script used:
# loading source: /tmp/convert/merged.mp4
#  input color sampling YV12
#  input luminance scale tv
Source = FFVideoSource("/tmp/convert/merged.mp4",cachefile="/tmp/mp4_064533b25950540cfe9d4ceb031af893_589265238_1_0.ffindex")
# current resolution: 720x576
SourceFiltered = Source
# deinterlacing
# filtering
# color modifications
SourceFiltered = SourceFiltered.Tweak(sat=2.00)
# adjust color to(2): RGB32
SourceFiltered = SourceFiltered.ConvertToRGB32(matrix="Rec601")
Source = Source.ConvertToRGB32(matrix="Rec601")
StackHorizontal(Source, SourceFiltered)
return last
looks fine,
The indexing call for FFVideoSource looks fine:
wine "/usr/bin/hybrid-bin/avisynthPlugins/ffmsindex.exe" -f -t 0 "/tmp/convert/merged.mp4" "/tmp/mp4_064533b25950540cfe9d4ceb031af893_589265238_1_0.ffindex"
and finished without an error.
The preview call:
"/usr/bin/hybrid-bin/avsViewer.exe" --input "/tmp/tempPreviewAvisynthFile20_13_17_816.avs" --aspect 1 --matrix Rec601 --listen 2643
looks fine too.
Don't see a problem there. (the '--listen 2643' is the port avsViewer is listening)

Cu Selur
Reinstalled NeroAACenc and attach screenshots to show that is working.
Tried again to load the mp4 into Hybrid without any filtering but there was no preview just blank window which appeared for a second then closed. Sorry no debug generated.
Tried your code clip and index was generated as per attached screenshot.

This latest test version of Hybrid does encode because I  have run an avs inputing a d2v file including filters and there was no problem
except no preview.

Also tried your avs but pretty much same thing although this time I managed to get a screenshot. Again no debug.

The avs comes up okay in avsPmod and the effect of the Tweak filter can be clearly seen.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

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