OMG, I'm so relieved that it works!
No Nvidia codecs tho... Where can I check for NvencC compatibility?
UPD: it seems like you've fixed luma range issue! I did a 4 min preview encoding and got full range instead of "expected" limited
UPD2: I see Ignored NVEnc due to ignoreList in log. What does that mean? I have NVEnc fully compatible card
Regarding NVENC: I figured out how to call --check-features)
No, unfortunately(
Hybrid will do same thing on the first start after the initial installation, am I correct?
As you can see, I'm able to use GPU accelerated sources and my GPU correctly works with other software. Is there anything I can provide you to solve this issue?
Today, 01:53 (This post was last modified: Today, 02:02 by Selur.)
If you replace your Hybrid version with and start Hybrid, it should show a Windows Command Prompt window. What is the content is shows? (I need the whole output)
Side note: if you feed your models to Hybrid, you should rename them to something with Xx_.... at the beginning, where X is the scaling factor of the model.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Checking: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Frankenstein
Checking: Microsoft Basic Display Adapter
Detected the following cards which seem to lack NVIDIA PureVideo support:
Microsoft Basic Display Adapter
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Frankenstein
No card found that's supported by nvenc, the CUDA encoding library.
-> Removing CUDA based encoding support.