According to the debug output the encoding did start,..
-> check the taskmanager maybe there is just a problem with the progress indication
The used encoding call is:
Cu Selur
-> check the taskmanager maybe there is just a problem with the progress indication
The used encoding call is:
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\ffmpeg.exe" -y -loglevel fatal -noautorotate -nostdin -threads 4 -i "G:\ffmpeg\WorkFolder\[1080p.bluray.x265.10bit.hevc.ac3].mkv" -map 0:0 -an -sn -vf scale=1280:540,zscale=rangein=tv:range=tv -pix_fmt yuv420p -vsync 0 -sws_flags spline -f rawvideo -| "C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\xvid_encraw.exe" -turbo -bitrate 4500 -quality 6 -qtype 0 -masking 0 -imin 1 -imax 31 -pmin 1 -pmax 31 -bmin 1 -bmax 31 -max_key_interval 250 -kboost 10 -kthresh 1 -kreduction 20 -max_bframes 2 -bquant_ratio 150 -bquant_offset 100 -vhqmode 2 -bvhq -chigh 0 -clow 0 -ostrength 10 -oimprove 10 -odegrade 10 -par 1:1 -nopacked -threads 4 -pass1 "G:\ffmpeg\WorkFolder\Work2\[720p.Xvid].stats" -progress 10 -i stdin -w 1280 -h 540 -csp i420 -framerate 23.976 -o NUL
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.