Hi Mr Selur,
I want to ask about conversion x265 FullHD video files to 720p Xvid codec in AVI extension. In latest version on site it seems broken.
When I set up all and press button to start just nothing happen, conversion doesn't start.
I setting only resize to 720p, bitrate and audio copy and ofcourse output destination.
Only way is wait to your fix Mr?
Quote:Only way is wait to your fix Mr?
Not knowing what OS you are on I can't send you a link to a dev version to see whether I already fixed this problem or not.
Without a debug output I don't know what actually happens, so even if I can reproduce that the job processing isn't staring I couldn't say wether any fix I made would fix your problem.
Cu Selur
it's windows platform. I don't know how to make a debug log so thanks for your time.
Hopefully my log can help

Sample will be harder but possible.
According to the debug output the encoding did start,..
-> check the taskmanager maybe there is just a problem with the progress indication
The used encoding call is:
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\ffmpeg.exe" -y -loglevel fatal -noautorotate -nostdin -threads 4 -i "G:\ffmpeg\WorkFolder\The.Peanut.Butter.Falcon.2019.pl-[1080p.bluray.x265.10bit.hevc.ac3].mkv" -map 0:0 -an -sn -vf scale=1280:540,zscale=rangein=tv:range=tv -pix_fmt yuv420p -vsync 0 -sws_flags spline -f rawvideo -| "C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\xvid_encraw.exe" -turbo -bitrate 4500 -quality 6 -qtype 0 -masking 0 -imin 1 -imax 31 -pmin 1 -pmax 31 -bmin 1 -bmax 31 -max_key_interval 250 -kboost 10 -kthresh 1 -kreduction 20 -max_bframes 2 -bquant_ratio 150 -bquant_offset 100 -vhqmode 2 -bvhq -chigh 0 -clow 0 -ostrength 10 -oimprove 10 -odegrade 10 -par 1:1 -nopacked -threads 4 -pass1 "G:\ffmpeg\WorkFolder\Work2\The.Peanut.Butter.Falcon.2019.pl-[720p.Xvid].stats" -progress 10 -i stdin -w 1280 -h 540 -csp i420 -framerate 23.976 -o NUL
Cu Selur
Yes, it start, extract audio from mkv file and then... stop, not converting.
Do you get an error message when you call the encoding call from above inside a Windows Command Prompt?
Also try renaming the input so something more simple.
Cu Selur
no i got 0 message. nothing even frozen or not answering. Everything works, but conversion just stop
If you get no error from the call, what happens if you call:
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\ffmpeg.exe" -y -noautorotate -nostdin -threads 4 -i "G:\ffmpeg\WorkFolder\The.Peanut.Butter.Falcon.2019.pl-[1080p.bluray.x265.10bit.hevc.ac3].mkv" -map 0:0 -an -sn -vf scale=1280:540,zscale=rangein=tv:range=tv -pix_fmt yuv420p -vsync 0 -sws_flags spline -f rawvideo NUL
Cu Selur