21.01.2021, 18:13
21.01.2021, 18:17
You open a Windows command prompt window (https://www.howtogeek.com/235101/10-ways...indows-10/) and paste into that window (right mouse button), then execute the command after by pressing 'enter/return'.
Cu Selur
Cu Selur
21.01.2021, 18:26
I got this. It's entered twice because in first time system doesn't react.
21.01.2021, 18:28
you are missing a quote (") at the beginning of your call.
21.01.2021, 18:32
Now it's this.
21.01.2021, 18:39
Okay, that's not a normal command prompt but the power shell.
Try opening the command prompt, by pressing on the start menu icon and entering command prompt.
Try opening the command prompt, by pressing on the start menu icon and entering command prompt.
21.01.2021, 18:45
Now it's working something is converting.
21.01.2021, 18:48
Okay, so the decoding doesn't seem to be the problem.
-> What happens if the whole encoding call:
May be removing the PowerShell fixes the problem (https://winaero.com/install-or-uninstall...indows-10/).
Cu Selur
-> What happens if the whole encoding call:
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\ffmpeg.exe" -y -loglevel fatal -noautorotate -nostdin -threads 4 -i "G:\ffmpeg\WorkFolder\The.Peanut.Butter.Falcon.2019.pl-[1080p.bluray.x265.10bit.hevc.ac3].mkv" -map 0:0 -an -sn -vf scale=1280:540,zscale=rangein=tv:range=tv -pix_fmt yuv420p -vsync 0 -sws_flags spline -f rawvideo -| "C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\xvid_encraw.exe" -turbo -bitrate 4500 -quality 6 -qtype 0 -masking 0 -imin 1 -imax 31 -pmin 1 -pmax 31 -bmin 1 -bmax 31 -max_key_interval 250 -kboost 10 -kthresh 1 -kreduction 20 -max_bframes 2 -bquant_ratio 150 -bquant_offset 100 -vhqmode 2 -bvhq -chigh 0 -clow 0 -ostrength 10 -oimprove 10 -odegrade 10 -par 1:1 -nopacked -threads 4 -pass1 "G:\ffmpeg\WorkFolder\Work2\The.Peanut.Butter.Falcon.2019.pl-[720p.Xvid].stats" -progress 10 -i stdin -w 1280 -h 540 -csp i420 -framerate 23.976 -o NUL
May be removing the PowerShell fixes the problem (https://winaero.com/install-or-uninstall...indows-10/).
Cu Selur
21.01.2021, 18:52
Also encoding.
21.01.2021, 18:55
Okay, try whether deinstalling PowerShell fixes the problem in Hybrid.
Cu Selur
Cu Selur