27.06.2018, 18:46
I see the problem.
The decoder call:
will look into it if you can share a small sample (a second would be enough) of such a source so that I can reproduce the issue.
Cu Selur
The decoder call:
"C:\PROGRA~1\Hybrid\ffmpeg.exe" -y -loglevel fatal -threads 8 -i "U:\AOC 2018\New Masters 2 - All Logos + Music\AOC_Smoke Grenades HDR Selects 2018_UHDp60_Full Branding+Music.mov" -map 0:0 -an -sn yuv420p -pix_fmt yuv420p -vsync 0 -f rawvideo -
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.