Hello all & Selur,
First of all (like everyone), thx for Hybrid my new favorite prog.
I would like to know if it exist somewhere (youtube, site web abd so on) some tutorials on hybrid ?
Except fps change tuto and "step by step" chapter of your forum. I discovered Hybrib through fps change so i know it now.
It's not really true. Everywhere, i can see the option "smooth" for Override algorithm. but now we have only several line with number into. Can you explain me what are the link between old and new ?
But, it's work so it's not so an real issue for me...
I have another question on the noise and it's my real aim to look for a tuto or Override algorithm option.
I try to transform a SD video in HDvideo. To do i use hybrid (fps conversion) and another (HdD conversion) softs.
From the beginning, noise on my old video is increase on fps video and (of course) HD video.
What are options to use to "smooth" the noise ?
So summarize :
1 - It exist tutorials ?
2 - Override algorithm has changed
3 - Noise issue
Edit : i red these two others subjets : "Crop/Resize" & "Wrong crop and aspect ratio". A help for me
Thank of lot for your answers
First of all (like everyone), thx for Hybrid my new favorite prog.
I would like to know if it exist somewhere (youtube, site web abd so on) some tutorials on hybrid ?
Except fps change tuto and "step by step" chapter of your forum. I discovered Hybrib through fps change so i know it now.
It's not really true. Everywhere, i can see the option "smooth" for Override algorithm. but now we have only several line with number into. Can you explain me what are the link between old and new ?
But, it's work so it's not so an real issue for me...
I have another question on the noise and it's my real aim to look for a tuto or Override algorithm option.
I try to transform a SD video in HDvideo. To do i use hybrid (fps conversion) and another (HdD conversion) softs.
From the beginning, noise on my old video is increase on fps video and (of course) HD video.
What are options to use to "smooth" the noise ?
So summarize :
1 - It exist tutorials ?
2 - Override algorithm has changed
3 - Noise issue
Edit : i red these two others subjets : "Crop/Resize" & "Wrong crop and aspect ratio". A help for me
Thank of lot for your answers