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Joined: May 2017
Download size isn't a problem.
Quote: I can confirm that FCP finds only noise (effectively nothing) on the four audio channels.
Good, then I assume for the time being that ffmpeg can handle the audio.
As a side note:
When you know that of the four tracks one two have audio, you might want to get accustomed with the 'Audio->Base->Audio Encoding Options->merge audio streams->custom' to end up with a stereo stream and not with a 4.0 stream with only audio in two tracks.
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.089
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Joined: May 2017
Small status info:
a. Couldn't figure out a way to use mplayer to view a mov reference file so no normal preview.

b. Only way I found so far to open such a mov in Avisynth is using
QtSource, but I'm reluctant to add this to Hybrid since it requires Quicktime 7 for Windows which even Apple dropped support for due to security issues. So no 'good' solution so far.
c. Atm. there's no Vapoursynth filter which can open such a mov, but Myrsloik (main Vapoursynth developer) might look into this.
So atm. I could adjust Hybrid to handle such files, but filtering&co would be harshly limited, especially since no preview would be available.

-> will look into it some more
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.089
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Joined: May 2017
By default Hybrid will merge all audio streams to one output stream if you simply enable 'Audio->Base->Audio Encoding Options->merge audio streams', but with the 'custom' option you can tell it to only merge specific tracks. So whether the input has one, two, three, four or eight streams isn't really an issue.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Oh I see thank you. I will be back at work in 3 days so I'll be able to find another test file and test any app patches you may want me to.
Posts: 11.089
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Joined: May 2017
Sad news.

Doesn't look like there will be support for such files any time soon in Vaporsynth.
(see:, myrsloik is the main dev behind Vapoursynth and he also closed the issue I opened in the Vapoursynth issue tracker)
-> so probably no Vapoursynth support for such files any time soon
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.