28.07.2021, 21:13
I've just updated to Hybrid rev 2021.07.18.1 and my QAAC toggle has disappeared.
Looking over the changelog the 32bit version has been removed from Hybrid.
Could someone please let me know how to configure/setup the 64bit version so I'm able to use QAAC once again?
I already have both Quicktime and Itunes installed.
Alternatively, if someone could help me with using the command line instead that'd be greatly appreciated.
I'd be trying to convert from TrueHD 5.1 from within an MKV file to QAAC q127, ideally with a single piped command either through ffmpeg or eac3to(whichever hybrid uses for QAAC)
eg ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vn -acodec copy -f wav | qaac -i --V 127 -o q127Audio.aac
I'm fairly clueless when it comes to command line and am unsure how to pipe the audio from ffmpeg to qaac properly.
Thanks in advance!
Looking over the changelog the 32bit version has been removed from Hybrid.
Could someone please let me know how to configure/setup the 64bit version so I'm able to use QAAC once again?
I already have both Quicktime and Itunes installed.
Alternatively, if someone could help me with using the command line instead that'd be greatly appreciated.
I'd be trying to convert from TrueHD 5.1 from within an MKV file to QAAC q127, ideally with a single piped command either through ffmpeg or eac3to(whichever hybrid uses for QAAC)
eg ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vn -acodec copy -f wav | qaac -i --V 127 -o q127Audio.aac
I'm fairly clueless when it comes to command line and am unsure how to pipe the audio from ffmpeg to qaac properly.
Thanks in advance!