Does is change anything if you remove the following files from your Vapoursynth/64bit folder:
Also if you open a command line prompt into the Hybrid/64bit/Vapoursynth folder and call:
you should get a list of the installed packages, which should be
-> Do you get the same output?
Assuming you get the same output call:
and then:
this should update vsDPIR to 2.1.0.
Also verify that the "Hybrid/64bit/Vapoursynth/python39_.pth"-file contains the line:
if it doesn't something went wrong during the coying of the files.
This line is needed for python to find the installed modules of the addon.
The content of the 'python39_.pth' which comes with the addon, look like this:
Cu Selur
- python310._pth
- python310.dll
Also if you open a command line prompt into the Hybrid/64bit/Vapoursynth folder and call:
python -m pip list
Package Version
------------------ ------------
addict 2.4.0
bpyutils 0.2.0
certifi 2021.10.8
charset-normalizer 2.0.7
colorama 0.4.4
flatbuffers 2.0
idna 3.3
mmcv-full 1.3.16
numpy 1.22.1
onnxruntime-gpu 1.10.0
packaging 21.2
Pillow 8.4.0
pip 22.0.4
protobuf 3.19.4
pyparsing 2.4.7
PyYAML 6.0
regex 2021.11.2
requests 2.26.0
setuptools 58.2.0
timm 0.4.12
torch 1.10.0+cu111
torchvision 0.11.1
tqdm 4.62.3
urllib3 1.26.7
VapourSynth 57
vsbasicvsrpp 1.4.1
vsdpir 2.0.0
vsgan 1.6.4
vshinet 1.0.0
vsrealesrgan 2.0.0
vsrife 2.0.0
vsswinir 1.0.0
vsutil 0.6.0
wheel 0.37.0
yapf 0.31.0
Assuming you get the same output call:
pip install --upgrade vsdpir
python -m vsdpir
Also verify that the "Hybrid/64bit/Vapoursynth/python39_.pth"-file contains the line:
This line is needed for python to find the installed modules of the addon.
The content of the 'python39_.pth' which comes with the addon, look like this:
# Uncomment to run site.main() automatically
#import site
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.