03.07.2023, 21:18
just for a "future" reference:
i removed statics using ffmpeg:
(a second pass make the sound too metallic... but can also help)
and after that i removed the whistle from camcorder motor that was from 2.3Khz to 2.9hz (maximum spike at 2.65Khz)
using sox as suggested by Selur .. (extracting an mp3 from mp4)
this make the camcorder noise to disappear (removing also some voice frequencies... but better than original)
P.S. the afftdn filter can be nice if can be added to hybrid's filters list
i removed statics using ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -af "afftdn=nf=-25" -c:v copy output.mp4
(a second pass make the sound too metallic... but can also help)
and after that i removed the whistle from camcorder motor that was from 2.3Khz to 2.9hz (maximum spike at 2.65Khz)
using sox as suggested by Selur .. (extracting an mp3 from mp4)
sox input.mp3 output.mp3 sinc 2.9k-2.3k
this make the camcorder noise to disappear (removing also some voice frequencies... but better than original)
P.S. the afftdn filter can be nice if can be added to hybrid's filters list