Posts: 26
Threads: 4
Joined: Nov 2021
Hi Selur, your Hybrid software is amazing
I have been reading a bit about TGMC, which is supposed to be a bit better than QTGMC.
TGMC is currently not supported by Hybrid?
Do you have any plans of integrating it?
Or am I just posting a stupid question, and is TGMC just another way of configuring (changing settings) of QTGMC?
Thank you for your time.
Posts: 10.749
Threads: 57
Joined: May 2017
QTGMC way newer than TGMC (
QTGMC started as QuickTGMC and was meant to allow users to easier use TGMC, by adding presets and adjust some settings.
Options in Avisynth for TGMC
TempGaussMC_beta2 (clip clp, int "tr0", int "tr1", int "tr2", int "rep0", int "rep1", int "rep2", string "EdiMode", int "qual", int "EEDI2maxd", int "lossless", float "sharpness", int "Smode", int "SLmode", int "SLrad", float "Sbb", float "SVthin", int "Sovs", int "blocksize", int "overlap", bool "truemotion", bool "globalmtn", int "search", int "searchparam", int "pelsearch", int "sharp", int "lambda", int "DCT", int "pnew", int "plevel", int "lsad", int "SCth1", int "SCth2", int "thSAD1", int "thSAD2", float "pel2hr", bool "border", int "draft", clip "edeint")
and nowadays, you got even more options in QTGMC (v3.384):
function QTGMC( clip Input, string "Preset", int "TR0", int "TR1", int "TR2", int "Rep0", int "Rep1", int "Rep2", string "EdiMode", bool "RepChroma", \
int "NNSize", int "NNeurons", int "EdiQual", int "EdiMaxD", string "ChromaEdi", int "EdiThreads", clip "EdiExt", float "Sharpness", \
int "SMode", int "SLMode", int "SLRad", int "SOvs", float "SVThin", int "Sbb", int "SrchClipPP", int "SubPel", int "SubPelInterp", \
int "BlockSize", int "Overlap", int "Search", int "SearchParam", int "PelSearch", bool "ChromaMotion", bool "TrueMotion", int "Lambda", \
int "LSAD", int "PNew", int "PLevel", bool "GlobalMotion", int "DCT", int "ThSAD1", int "ThSAD2", int "ThSCD1", int "ThSCD2", \
int "SourceMatch", string "MatchPreset", string "MatchEdi", string "MatchPreset2", string "MatchEdi2", int "MatchTR2", \
float "MatchEnhance", int "Lossless", int "NoiseProcess", float "EZDenoise", float "EZKeepGrain", string "NoisePreset", string "Denoiser", \
int "FftThreads", bool "DenoiseMC", int "NoiseTR", float "Sigma", bool "ChromaNoise", val "ShowNoise", float "GrainRestore", \
float "NoiseRestore", string "NoiseDeint", bool "StabilizeNoise", int "InputType", float "ProgSADMask", int "FPSDivisor", \
int "ShutterBlur", float "ShutterAngleSrc", float "ShutterAngleOut", int "SBlurLimit", bool "Border", bool "Precise", string "Tuning", \
bool "ShowSettings", string "GlobalNames", string "PrevGlobals", int "ForceTR", \
val "BT", val "DetailRestore", val "MotionBlur", val "MBlurLimit", val "NoiseBypass", float "Str", float "Amp", bool "TV_range", int "useEdiExt", int "DftDither", bool "lsbd", bool "lsb", bool "n16", bool "keep_tv_range", String "device_type", int "device_id", bool "n16d", bool "FastMA", bool "ESearchP", bool "Refinemotion" )
=> I strongly doubt that TGMC is better than QTGMC nowadays.
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.