Problem description:
When encoding prores, it arbitrarily finishes at any given point in the video, and the job is "100% finished". but of course, the output is cut short.
It has a very high chance of happening if i do anything in the background (like browsing, playing a video, whatever).
Please, read the 'Infos needed to fix&reproduce bugs,..'-sticky before you post about a problem.
# adjusting output color from: YUV444P10 to YUV422P10 for ProResModel
clip = core.resize.Bicubic(clip=clip, format=vs.YUV422P10, range_s="limited")
# set output frame rate to 48fps (progressive)
clip = core.std.AssumeFPS(clip=clip, fpsnum=48, fpsden=1)
# output
That the logo is added twice looks wrong.
But that should not reduce the length of the clip that much.
=> I'll try to reproduce the problem.
Please use the Vapoursynth Preview and check what the frame count shown there is and let me know.
In case it is short, does it show the full length of the clip if you do not apply any filters? (that I can't reproduce here, since it may be a problem with the source and the source filter)
1. preview is not cut short (with all the things activated i had in the original post). all frames are there.
btw: ofc i tried running the same job several times. it always quits at some different point.
2. i tried to run an encode with nothing added (no vs filter, no subs), error:
it confirms again a 100% finishing, but the resulting mkv file has no playable content (opens but doesn't do anything)
3. i just tried to run an encode with just smoothlevel filter, nothing else, same result... shortly after i started browsing websites, it just quit.
it ~looks~ like it's not hybrid related but prores related. is it possible that prores encoding is not stable if i have pbo2 optimisation running on the cpu cores?
i will try another run with no cpu optimisations and report on it.
update: current encode is running stable at 38.97% with me doing all sorts of stuff in the background. it really looks like a cpu+prores issue.
Problem is that Hybrid tries to load the source with mencoder, then pipe to ffmpeg and then encode with ffmpeg and somewhere breaks the color format on the way.
Quote: is it possible that prores encoding is not stable if i have pbo2 optimisation running on the cpu cores?
HybridDebugOutput2.rar problem (when no Synth is used), should be fixed now too.
(updated dev version)
Quote: btw: ofc i tried running the same job several times. it always quits at some different point.
this points to some ram/cpu/gpu heat or over-/underclocking issue
Any over- or underclocking can cause issues during encoding.
After building a new pc, I spend ~1week encoding different stuff, just to be sure there are no issues (especially if I overclock the system) and the cooling is adequate.
=> In general, I would recommend disabling any over- and underclocking when encoding.
it all went downhill.
installed ryzenmaster a new, tried some pbo2 curve optimisation and hybrid encoding kept on bluescreening during the prores encode until i reset my bios settings.
now i have to climb the ladder again until i got a stable system.
i reset everything, including the ram profile.
but now, instead of 5.6fps, the same encode ran (successfully) with 4.3 ... all cores 100% on 4.38Ghz instead of somewhere at 4.59..
i'm not satisfied running my system like this.