Hello, I use a 2013 macpro with a NVidia 1080 card via an EGPU interface.
Hybrid detects the GeForce 1080 'Detected NVIDIA PureVideo compatible cards: GeForce GTX 1080'
but does not offer me nvenc mode while under windows there is no problem.
Is it normal or is there a problem?
Thank you for your reply...
FranckPlease, read the 'Infos needed to fix&reproduce bugs,..'-sticky before you post about a problem.
Sadly, NVEnc isn't available on Mac since
NVEncC (which is used then) is only available for Windows.
+ NVEnc support through ffmpeg will probably also not work (might still be shown), since
ffmpeg/cuvid doesn't support that on mac (as far as I know).
Cu Selur
Problem is that I don't know of any tool Hyrid could utilize to get hardware encoding on mac.
Just stumbled over 'https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/libavcodec/videotoolbox.c' and there seems to be a configure option '--enable-videotoolbox' to enabled this. So there might be a way,...
Sadly neither
https://evermeet.cx/ffmpeg/ nor
https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/ do seem to build their versions with it.
-> currently I don't have a way to support gpu based encoding on Mac OS X, but there is hope.
Cu Selur
(31.12.2017, 17:46)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Problem is that I don't know of any tool Hyrid could utilize to get hardware encoding on mac.
Just stumbled over 'https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/libavcodec/videotoolbox.c' and there seems to be a configure option '--enable-videotoolbox' to enabled this. So there might be a way,...
Sadly neither https://evermeet.cx/ffmpeg/ nor https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/ do seem to build their versions with it.
-> currently I don't have a way to support gpu based encoding on Mac OS X, but there is hope. 
Cu Selur
If you managed to integrate it would be really great and I think a lot of frustrated users would be happy !
Thank you for your answer ..
And 'Gute Rutsche'
(31.12.2017, 19:22)diloume Wrote: [ -> ] (31.12.2017, 17:46)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Problem is that I don't know of any tool Hyrid could utilize to get hardware encoding on mac.
Just stumbled over 'https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/libavcodec/videotoolbox.c' and there seems to be a configure option '--enable-videotoolbox' to enabled this. So there might be a way,...
Sadly neither https://evermeet.cx/ffmpeg/ nor https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/ do seem to build their versions with it.
-> currently I don't have a way to support gpu based encoding on Mac OS X, but there is hope. 
Cu Selur
If you managed to integrate it would be really great and I think a lot of frustrated users would be happy !
Thank you for your answer ..
And 'Gute Rutsche'
Under OS X with a AMD RX 580 it is possible to have a hardware acceleration ?
https://www.objc.io/issues/23-video/videotoolbox/ I would suspect that it might work.
The problem however is:
a. I don't own a Mac atm
b. I don't know of a source for static FFmpeg binaries that include Videotoolboxen support.
c. since I haven't found much info ob Apples videtoolbox API, I mainly speculate.
Cu Selur
Good news, videotoolbox is already incorporated into most ffmpeg mac builds since it's automatically included on compilation.
-> Now we need just to figure out how to use it properly and I can add support for it in Hybrid.

Good news!

Next Hybrid release will probably add *experimental* gpu encoding through videotoolbox on mac.

(still figuring out things, but in general it seems to work)
Atm. I'm trying to figure out what options are available through ffmpeg and should be exposed in Hybrid, see:
Cu Selur
I am most interested in this.
I see you've added GPU encoding with version 2018.01.28.1 which is what I'm using on macOS 10.13.2 with an nVidia Titan installed into a 2008 MacPro.
I read your thread at:
https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/3863...ox-options and cannot seem to get ffmpeg (from ~/Applications/Hybrid/Contents/MacOS/ffmpeg) to use my nVidia GPU.
As I only found Hybrid last night, I'm a bit new to it's interface and so am wondering if you could provide some guidance or a simple screenshot/demo for us to get it working.
I am also running XRG for macOS (
https://github.com/mikepj/XRG) which is a neat way to see what work a GPU is doing.