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Just a black screen preview.
Okay (libav has problems with some hevc interlaced content):
Try enabling hardware decoding, assuming you have a intel or nvida gpu. Set 'Libav hardware decoding mode' to 3.
If you have an NVIDIA GPU you could alternatively enable 'Use DGDecNV when available'.
Cu Selur
OK thanks, will try that. Where is the hardware decoding setting?
"Filtering->Vapousynth->Misc->Source->Libav hardware decoding mode"
Sadly this did not work either, so converting original file to ProRes.
Okay, that is curious, since if the hardware decoder can't decode it no normal Player should be able to playback the file either.
I think the problem may be to do with the pixel aspect ratio, which isĀ .9141. I have no idea why it has been squeezed, when it is a 4x3 image. perhaps it has been flagged incorrectly as anamorphic?
you can overwrite the input PAR through: 'Crop/Resize->Base->Pixel Aspect Ratio (PAR)->Input PAR'
Quote:I think the problem may be to do with the pixel aspect ratio, which is .9141.
that sound wrong, see:
Cu Selur
What should I overwrite the PAL 4x3 PAR to?
Typicallly DVDs and oder MPEG-2 content uses generic PAR:
Generic: (common for MPEG-2 based content)
so for 4x3 content 16/15 is the usual PAR I would expect.
Cu Selur
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