OK, strange that it works in Voukoder? I can set CRF 0 and then tune the VBV-maxrate and the encode uses it. Maybe it was ignoring the crf=0, though. That is possible.
What is strange is that I cannot access the vbv-maxrate settings using any combination of encoding mode settings. Can I not use that with x264 in Hybrid?
I strongly doubt that.
Lossless encoding and vbv do not make sense logically.

x264 itself does not care about vbv if you use lossless encoding, which is why you can not enable it in Hybrid when lossless encoding is used.
If you want vbv use crf or 2pass encoding.
(read the x264 source code if you think I'm wrong)
Cu Selur
(06.09.2023, 18:27)GlitterKill Wrote: [ -> ]That is x265. I am trying to do this in x264. I can do it with Voukoder just fine. There has to be a way to do it in Hybrid. I want to use x264 since it encodes much faster than x265.
you may not believe...
264 codec - each "frame" from a video stream, that is, from a container with FPS and resolution. Each "Frame" breaks / divides into 8 pieces / blocks and processes them.
265 codec uses the same frame, splits it into the same 8 chunks/blocks, and then additionally splits/divides each chunk/block into 4 chunks/blocks.
(07.09.2023, 20:27)GlitterKill Wrote: [ -> ]I absolutely believe you. Sorry I was not more clear in my last message... I was sort of thinking out loud as I posted... realizing that the CRF value was ignored.
Yes, it was illogical to try it, too. I was just curious to see what it would do. Experimenting to keep intermediate file sizes down. I FINALLY just went with ProRes LT. Been working good for me so far. I'm not doing anything in 4K.

I have CRF and Quantizer working at 264 422 10bit