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Full Version: 1982 PAL U-matic capture video noise
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I've just received a PAL capture direct from a 1982 Umatic master. It seems to have a stange video noise structure throughout. It almost looks like a sort of canvas effect. Can anyone suggest the best way to remove it? So far I have tried Temporal DeGrain but it seems to soften the picture too much.
Isn't the resolution too high for a U-matic?
Maybe try SMDegrain(constrast sharp)+ mClean. (+SpotLess or similar to remove some spots)
You can also add some grain back to lessen any 'plastic'-look a bit.

Cu Selur
Will do, thanks. I've just been reading about DePulse for dropout/comet tail removal. Is this included in Hybrid?
Nope. Haven't used DePulse for 10+ years. (don't think it's available for Vapoursynth and I don't think it's the right tool for the job)
I added it to my dev version (after I noticed that the Vapoursynth port is only broken for some modX resolutions), but it's probably the wrong filter too.
Like tons of other filters it will remove the artifacts but blur quite a bit.
Player around a bit and used dpir-deblock and some other stuff.
Script: (attached clip)

Cu Selur
Apologies for disappearing, my hard drive died.

Is it possible to import your script into my Hybrid to test it out?
Since you use a different setup than I do: No.

Cu Selur
Which filters did you use? I can't quite work it all out from the script.
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