After using Hybrid and Passthrough Subtitles; the subtitle order will be disturbed & subtitle Track name will be removed.
How can we fix this problem?
Unless 'Config->Automation->Passthrough Tags->Subtitle Title' is enabled Hybrid will not passthrough subtitle titles.
About the order: No clue, never had an issue with a wrong subtitle order. Hybrid should use the order the subtitles are presented by MediaInfo.
Subtiltle order can be changed in the 'Subtitle Queue' in the 'Subtitle'-tab.
Tags can be set in the 'Tag'-tab.
Cu Selur
Ther is no "Subtitle Title" in "Passthrough Tags"!
And about wrong subtitle order i will test again and get a log or sample to you.
Ah, I added that option in June, so it's not in the last public release.

I send you a link to my current dev via pm.
Cu Selur
Thanks Man.
Subtitle Queue Add Subtitle ID 2 After ID 29
And Subtitle ID 3 After ID 39
And Subtitle ID 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 After ID 3x
That is the problem.
There is no problem with the number of subtitles below 10. But after 10, it runs into problems.
Ah okay, if you can share a short sample of such a (source) file I can look into it.
Cu Selur
Thanks, looking into it.
Cu Selur
Send you a new link via pm, which should fix the sorting.
Cu Selur