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Full Version: Suggestion:Add a modify to audio set default
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I know how to set which subtitle as default. There is a modify in the subtitle.
[Image: kwz2davlpFOeCgj.jpg]

But there is no such setting in the audio. I want to set the second or the third audio as default.
[Image: Ot7LXzRx8MuCwq4.jpg]

Like you noticed, there is no option to edit existing audio entries.
'Audio->Base->For mkv->set as default' should work when adding a new entry.

Cu Selur
I can't set default in audio in batch convert using passthrough /add all. I encoded some videos which default audio are not I want. I want to chang default audio without reencode. The test file Cai Zhizhong Cartoon Series S01E01B I already sent to you before.
[Image: mWLJDQGZxcM8ePU.png]
Setting default with 'passthrough (add all)' isn't available atm.
=> I'll think about adding an option for changing existing entries

Cu Selur
Add modify in audio just like modify in subtitle will be great helpful, thank you. Big Grin
You would have to switch from 'passthrough (add all)' to 'custom' otherwise on job creation the audio queue might get reset,..
=> thinking about it
Neither audio processing "Add all "nor "Custom" can set the second or third audio as the default audio in Batch convert.
I know, in batch atm. only passing through the default tag is possible.
I just wanted to say that even when I add support for changing the queue, this will only be available if you switch to custom.

Cu Selur
Is it possible batch mode to extract all the audios then set which one as default just like setting subtitle's default?
Not atm.
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