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(18.02.2024, 13:38)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]There isn't a (good) way unless your program is compiled for command line only or it does open a terminal (on Linux&Co this is Windows is not shown, on Windows it is).
(add "CONFIG += console" to the .pro file)
Usually this isn't really a problem, since writing to std::out from a gui, doesn't make much sense.
One point of having a gui is not to have to deal with std::out. Smile

Cu Selur

I was unable to get a console adding "CONFIG += console" even if this option should do what it is expected to do, i.e. shows a console.
I end up by adding a piece of console code in main.cpp.

The Qt console is just a "poor" version of "gui" application so I don't think that it is useful.
In the case you are curious to see what happen when is enabled the console I attached the new version.

The usage is the following

vsViewer --nogui|--silent [optional] --y4m [optional] --i [python script]  --enc [encoder path] --cmd [encode command]


--nogui   : if present the encoding gui will not be visible (messages will be displyed on console)
--silent  : like "--nogui" but with no console
--y4m     : if present will be provided the y4m header
--i       : input vapoursynth script
--enc     : encoder program
--cmd     : encoder command


1) Encoding with encoding Gui with y4m header (*)
vsViewer.exe --y4m --i "VideoScript.vpy"  --enc "x265.exe" --cmd "- --y4m  --crf 18 --preset fast --output-depth 10 -o \"{sd}\{sn}_x265_gui.hevc\""

2) Encoding with no-Gui and with y4m header (*)
vsViewer.exe --nogui --y4m --i "VideoScript.vpy"  --enc "x265.exe" --cmd "- --y4m  --crf 18 --preset fast --output-depth 10 -o \"{sd}\{sn}_x265_gui.hevc\""

(*) for script and encoder pass the full path not only the name as in this example

I hope that you like it. Smile

Sorry, I'm not adding that to vsviewer.
(14.02.2024, 09:40)Dan64 Wrote: [ -> ]I opened the issue to HolyWu:

Since HolyWu has never released a fix and since the included print(s) can broken vspipe.
I attached the patched wheel of vs-codeformer.

Thanks Smile
So have we found a solution for the "retinaface" detector that is introducing strong artifacts?
using dlib instead,...
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