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(12.10.2024, 22:58)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Ah, there's a typo.
is used, but
Quote: trt=True
should have been used.

Tduck is glad to be of service Cool (ie Devil is in the ''details'' →explained← ...right.. Sleepy 🤌)    ...

(12.10.2024, 22:58)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]If you had shared a debug output, or looked at the end of that log you posted a picture of that would have been visible.

Why... my king, it seems you could reproduce the problem (typo → "trt") whitout the need for an debug , you are doing just fine 😁👌.

(12.10.2024, 22:58)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]=> uploaded a new dev version which should fix the problem.

Cu Selur

erm.. would that be → rev 2024.0.29.1  ?  Hope the highlighted part isn't another typ0 from your part my king ... just saying ..  going from rev 2024.09.29.1 .. to → rev 2024.0.29.1 🤔 ..

Also & i ask because i haven't found this bit of info in the changelogs you've posted.. 

But, have you removed the "linear" check box from the sRestore filter ?
I'm asking because i needed that box checked or uncheckedd depending on the specific configs i use for some projects.. 

Also, ESrgan has the tendency to cripple / stall encoding speed on my end since the latest revision of hybrid !  
ie: first starting and doing fine with fps speeds like 10 - 15, when all of an sudden hybrid gets like stuck and doesn't progress for like an 10 - 20 seconds and then moves on ...

It's doing this with pretty much the same SD/progressive content i wos working with before just fine using another revision of hybrid.. 

And i can confirm that by watching my gpu/cpu powerdraws going up & down all the time .. Odd...  

The only change i've made since that happends, is when i installed an new nvme m.2 pcie gen5 storage device.. And updated my Nvidia drivers.. 
And as for the hardware change ive made,  everything seems to work just fine . (cable / device / firmware / OS driver check = V PASS 😁👌 ) ...

Ta Ta
Quote: erm.. would that be → rev 2024.0.29.1 ? Hope the highlighted part isn't another typ0 from your part my king ... just saying .. going from rev 2024.09.29.1 .. to → rev 2024.0.29.1 🤔 ..
In the changelog, changes only in the changelog are "2024.XX.XX.1" atm. (will "2025.XX.XX.1" next year).
When a new version gets released, the XX.XX gets replaced by the release month and day.

Quote:you are doing just fine
Yeah, since reading a debug output for 2min or spending an hour or of wild guessing is fine,... Angry

Quote:But, have you removed the "linear" check box from the sRestore filter ?
I'm asking because i needed that box checked or uncheckedd depending on the specific configs i use for some projects..
Yes. sRestore always runs in linear mode now. If you want a different behavior, create your own variant and use it in a custom script the way you want it.

Quote:Also, ESrgan has the tendency to cripple / stall encoding speed on my end since the latest revision of hybrid !
ie: first starting and doing fine with fps speeds like 10 - 15, when all of an sudden hybrid gets like stuck and doesn't progress for like an 10 - 20 seconds and then moves on ...
And i can confirm that by watching my gpu/cpu powerdraws going up & down all the time .. Odd...
Nothing I can do about that. That depends on your settings and hardware. (caching, vram)
Not spending time on wild guessing what settings you used, what setup you have, etc.
Read up on how things work and interact and if you find a better way, describe it properly and I might adjust Hybrid accordingly.

Cu Selur
(13.10.2024, 08:08)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]In the changelog, changes only in the changelog are "2024.XX.XX.1" atm. (will "2025.XX.XX.1"  next year).
When a new version gets released, the XX.XX gets replaced by the release month and day.

That's what i meant my king.. 
It's supposed to be rev. year/month/day/build  right? 

And in the latest revision the month is "0"  .. not 9 (september) or 10 (october) right? 

Huh 👇
[Image: Screenshot-2024-10-13-083829.png]upload png

(13.10.2024, 08:08)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:you are doing just fine
Yeah, since reading a debug output for 2min or spending an hour or of wild guessing is fine,...  Angry

Now.. now... my king .. did it REALY took you HOURS to figure this 😁👍 one out ?  Even whitout an debug?
After i've explained it in such colorfull 10-bit details 😊..

For all i know, you could have been through the same ordeal whit some one else, and found an sollution / work arround for it just recently ..  Therefor, do you realy need an debug in that case ..  ?  Wouldn't it work faster if you access your own memory banks to clarify the issue, rather than digging through debug files in this case?

I mean can't we just start off easy, whit some text and explanation, and worrie about the details later .. shall we..  Sleepy  ..
It's not that Diz duck demands and expects an emediate response and sollution right now , right here ... is it ?

Never has , never will..  Iam not that kind of duck.. 😉

Furthermore, ever heard of the expression .. "Good Things Comes To Those Who Wait" ?
Patience is a pleasant virtue 🫶  .. My King .. you should give it an try .. 😉

(13.10.2024, 08:08)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Yes. sRestore always runs in linear mode now. If you want a different behavior, create your own variant and use it in a custom script the way you want it.

.. meaning .. / example ..

(13.10.2024, 08:08)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Also, ESrgan has the tendency to cripple / stall encoding speed on my end since the latest revision of hybrid ! 
ie: first starting and doing fine with fps speeds like 10 - 15, when all of an sudden hybrid gets like stuck and doesn't progress for like an 10 - 20 seconds and then moves on ...
And i can confirm that by watching my gpu/cpu powerdraws going up & down all the time .. Odd... 
Nothing I can do about that. That depends on your settings and hardware. (caching, vram)
Not spending time on wild guessing what settings you used, what setup you have, etc.

Read up on how things work and interact and if you find a better way, describe it properly and I might adjust Hybrid accordingly.

Cu Selur

Well, a wise man once said .. He used 3 streams for SD content (ESrgan Resizer setting)..
Now , doing so reduces the encode speed from 10+ fps to almost absolute zer0 in my case ..  And yes, it's applied to SD content ..

But i'll do better than explain it to you, allow me to show you... 
I have made an recording (see attachement) from several vallue's, encode speed, vram usage, powerdraws... etc..
Pay attention to the cursor that will guide you to point out & highlight the issue..

Edit: i guess, since you won't take a look at it, you won't need the attachement anymore ..  Sleepy

If you still need an debug , i'll be more than happy to provide you with such 🤞😁

Ta Ta
Quote: And in the latest revision the month is "0" .. not 9 (september) or 10 (october) right?
should be 09, like the date in the download (I fixed the text on the download page)

Quote: It's not that Diz duck demands and expects an emediate response and sollution right now , right here ... is it ?
Good, since I'm off, seems like this is not a problem of Hybrid, but a just you waiting to be spoon fed.

Cu Selur
(13.10.2024, 09:46)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote: And in the latest revision the month is "0"  .. not 9 (september) or 10 (october) right? 
should be 09, like the date in the download (I fixed the text on the download page)

That's exactly what i thought...  Finally you do agree on something i've pointed out so obviously Dodgy 

(13.10.2024, 09:46)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Good, since I'm off, seems like this is not a problem of Hybrid

You sure about that? 

I mean, the encoding speed issue only surfaces when and ONLY WHEN using ESrgan in combo whit sRestore !!!
Disabling sRestore , keeps the encode speed at an constant rate ...

In that regard, that wich you have removed solved that ↑ problem partially ..

I guess its back to an older release of hybrid, until i find an solid solution for this issue ..  Undecided

(13.10.2024, 09:46)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]... but a just you waiting to be spoon fed.

Cu Selur

I wasn't raised/spoiled with an golden spoon in my life unlike many pathetic ppl that are on the so called "social" platforms these days ..
Let me be VERY CLEAR ON THAT my king Wink

Ta Ta
Quote: You sure about that?
Yes, the only solution I see would be that someone writes a non-script based, but actual sRestore filter, which I neither have the time nor knowledge for.
Using 'linear mode' (= version from muvsfunc) is the only way atm. that makes sRestore work as it should in Vapoursynth. Downside is it can slow stuff down.
(read for more info on it)

Quote:I guess its back to an older release of hybrid, until i find an solid solution for this issue .
You probably would have to go back to a version which still uses Vapoursynth R63 (probably a 2022 version) for sRestore to work as it should as it was intended while not slowing down things.
(13.10.2024, 10:35)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, the only solution I see would be that someone writes a non-script based, but actual sRestore filter, which I neither have the time nor knowledge for.
Using 'linear mode' (= version from muvsfunc) is the only way atm. that makes sRestore work as it should in Vapoursynth. Downside is it can slow stuff down.
(read for more info on it)

I think (not sure anymore) by disabling → Linear mode does slows down the encode speed, BUT more importantly, it will do so at an constant / consistent rated fps encode speed.
The latter seems to be the problem i now have using the latest hybrid WITH Linear MODE= ON !?!

Odd, i could have sworn i did other SD content using hybrid rev 2024.09.29.01 JUST fine using → ESrgan + sRestore combo
It's the exact same SD content (Pal/50hz) , yet now the encode speed is so crippled and frequently at an stand still (no progress / interuptions ?) and continues afterwards at an vEERrrry slow pace  Dodgy  .

(13.10.2024, 10:35)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:I guess its back to an older release of hybrid, until i find an solid solution for this issue .
You probably would have to go back to a version which still uses Vapoursynth R63 (probably a 2022 version) for sRestore to work as it should as it was intended while not slowing down things.

Nope  Big Grin , i don't have to go TOO far "back to the future..."
On Rev 2024.06.16.1 everything did worked just fine... albeit with some work arrounds to cope whit that fps encode speed issue from using ESRgan + sRestore.

To work arround that, i just had to use / DISABLE linear and start 2 - 3 jobs simultaneously to gain back the normal encoding speed / → GPU/CPU WORK LOAD you would get under normal circumstance.
Talking about the gains you would have when there's no conflict between certain filters working on conjunction whit eachother you see.

So yeah, going back and forth with hybrid is kind of a trade off right now, depends on the needs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯..... you give some , you take some.. 😅

Ta Ta,
TD(° ^°)
Update : @My King ..  Sir Selur  Tongue

First of, i can confirm that "Linear Mode" is removed since (not before) Rev 2024.06.16.1 ...

Furthermore, i just have re-installed xxxx.06.16.1 ..  
And my suspicions were correct...

By going back i pretty much solved all of my encode-speed issue's ...  

But only thanks to that "checkbox" that you have removed afterwards .. namely → "Linear Mode" ...  Sleepy

EDIT:  ODD, so .. just have done a recode with "Linear Mode" Enabled this time, and i have more fps, BUT more importantly.. the filters aren't conflicting anymore and i have an CONSTANT & HIGH FPS ENCODE SPEED  ..  Ie: no encode speed issue's anymore using ESrgan+sRestore → both Linear Mode ON & OFF  Huh  using Hybrid 2024.06.16.1 ...

Whereas using pretty much the same settings ("except for linear since its removed") in Rev 2024.09.29.1, fps encode speed wos at an turtle slow speed, and to make things wurse encodes frequently didn't progress / continue ..and just comes to an stand still during encode process  Huh Huh 

Oh well, Selur thats an clear indication that you must have changed something that is causing that ↑ imo !!

Ta Ta  

Ta Ta
Happy, you found a version you can work with, then stick with it and live with any bugs the version might have.
Like I wrote the current state is the same as using 'linear mode' before, the old version is not supported anymore in Hybrid, but you are free to write your own code and filters.
Note: sRestore will not work as intended. (see thread I linked to before to doom9s forum for details)

Cu Selur
(13.10.2024, 12:13)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Happy, you found a version you can work with, then stick with it and live with any bugs the version might have.
Like I wrote the current state is the same as using 'linear mode' before,

Maybe .. just maybe.. it's because i did a CLEAN UNINSTALL from hybrid this time (Removing every trace)... 

I believe you when you say that linear mode works just like it worked in earlier revisions from hybrid.  Hence, complete uninstall / install of hybrid "might" possible have something to do with it ... 🤔

(13.10.2024, 12:13)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]the old version is not supported anymore in Hybrid, but you are free to write your own code and filters.
Note: sRestore will not work as intended. (see thread I linked to before to doom9s forum for details)

Cu Selur

Don't even go there , don't be Dee .. You know very well iam just an user, just like you are the dev... To each its own Dodgy

ta ta
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