Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2018.02.18.1:
- Vapoursynth: resize + crop preview
- Input: crash when first loading a file and then enabling DVD input
- Avisynth: Preview not working for content with color matrix 'fcc'
- x264: removed unnedded empty cleanUpCall
- Vapoursynth: FastLineDarken, Toon, ResampleHQ, GradFun3, Flash3kDeband
- vpx: adjusted to vpx 1.7
- Vapoursynth: using AssumeFPS to set frame rate on input to handle 'prefer original frame rate'
- Input: FFmpeg GPU decoding make thread limitation optional
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2018.04.08.1:
- x264: cbr signaling
- x265: only use radl with fixed gop size
- Avisynth: fixed TemporalDegrain HQ != 0
- Avisynth: QTGMC 'Very Slow' and 'Placebo'
- Subtitle: srt to ass
- Subtitle: srt overwrite styling
- Exraction: DGIndex extract audio from DVD
- Audio: channel count on custom downmix
- Vapoursynth: fixed d2v indexing call
- Vapoursynth: fixed Preview aspect ratio bug
- Vapoursynth: fixed f3kdb.Deband parameter names
- Filter: tonemap call when using ffmpeg (no Vapoursynth or Avisynth)
- Decode: use ffmpeg32 when converting to UT and filtering with Avisynth
- Jobs: crash when output name contains tool name
- Vapoursynth: support for MCTemporalDenoise
- Vapoursynth: support for PSharpen
- Vapoursynth: support for MCDegrainSharp
- Vapoursynth: support for EdgeCleaner
- Vapoursynth: support for TTempSmooth
- Vapoursynth: support for LSFMod
- Avisynth: support for DeScratch, DeSpot, DeFlicker
- Resize: Allow to crop uneven. Note that this will enforce a conversion to RGB or 4:4:4 which might cause a slow down depending on the rest of the filter chain.
- x265: support for 'extend-gop' and 'gop-lookahead' option
- Vapoursynth: Mac now supports the 'VapourSynth macOS Installer' ( Special thanks to l33tmeatwad for his help! see:
- Avisynth/Vapoursynth: added 'Denoiser' option to QTGMC
- Vapoursynth: Santiag added more parameters for NNEDI3 and EEDI3
- Vapoursynth: more vsDaa NNedi3-Parameter
- Vapoursynth: disabling cropView when enabling FilterView and vice versa
- Vapoursynth: support DGDecNV deinterlacing and use native Vapoursynth filter mode
- Resize: Increase resolution max to 32768x32768
- NVEncC: not usins nvhsp anymore for HDR patching since NVEncC allows to signal maxcll/maxfall and master display information.
- Changed: 'ColorMatrix' now support Rec.20202
- Avisynth: SMDeGrain add support for prefilter mode 4 which uses KNLMeansCL
- Input: handling of mixed input, now 'mixed'-content will be treated as normal interlaced
- Automation: disabled automatic telecine/interlaced check by default
- Crop: use 'Avisynth' crop style as default
- Jobs: abort when time codes are used and inputFPS != outputFPS
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2018.05.21.1:
- Avisynth: minor bugs I don't remember in detail

- Avisynth: LSFMod parameters not working due to intererence with Vapoursynth
- x264: pc scale handling
- ffmpeg: yadif call bug
- x265: defaults/presets minimization, adjust to source code for x265 presets not the stuff listed in the documentation
- QSVEnc: targetSizeMode
- Vapoursynth: D2v Witch indexing call on Mac/Linux
- Audio: AudioAnalyzer tsmuxer path
- Subtitle: crash when font name start with whitespace
- filter: support custom letterboxing
- Avisynth: HQDN3D, MSharpen
- Vapoursynth: DeBlockPP7, FFMS2K
- muxing: tsMuxeR not adding audio language to streams
- tools: Handle 'Corporation ***** [GeForce *]'-names
- filter: ffmpeg set zscale rangein and range
- audio: No longer using NamedPipe, raw audio decoding is always done through ffmpeg
- nvenc: added support of NVEncCs 'preset' selection
- x265: added support for '--single-sei', '--max-ausize-factor', '--refine-inter', '--refine-intra', '--dynamic-refine', '--refine-mv'
- subtitle: using ffmpeg for ogm subtitle extraction
- input: fixed bug when handling vfr input time codes
- Avisynth: support changing the filter order (Filtering->Avisynth->Misc->Custom Filter Order)
- Avisynth: specifying multiple custom script additions like in Vapoursynth (Filtering->Avisynth->Custom)
- Avisynth: telling Hybrid not to Hybrid defaults (Filtering->Avisynth->Misc->Don't hide defaults)
- Avisynth: Avisynth script as input and FilterView
- Avisynth: wine missing in avsViewer call on non-Windows systems
- Vapoursynth: added more options to addLogo to control whether the alpha should be used and inverted or not.
- Vapoursynth: DAA, added OpenCL device selection
- Vapoursynth: Santiag, added device selection
- Vapoursynth: allow to set openCL device for QTGMC
- Tools: vsedit is now named vsViewer to avoid confusion with the normal Vapoursynth Editor
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
- Mac: forgot to rename vsedit to vsViewer
- subitle: Hybrid freezes on ogm subtitle extraction when output already existed
- Vapoursynth: "don't hide defaults"-option
- audio: use FFmpeg for ogm audio extraction
- input: use FFmpeg for ogm subtitle extraction
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2018.05.25.1:
- x264: Minimize command line with ' --color-matrix undef' in it.
- Vapoursynth: a bunch of small bugs related to default values
- Vapoursynth: FFT3DFilter Sigma2-4 not working properly
- Avisynth: a bunch of small bugs related to default values
- Tools: Tools not properly kept on 'Reset all', required to start Hybrid two times
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2018.06.03.1:
- Avisynth preview: RGB content handling
- x265: medium preset minimize
- DivX265 width&height need to be mod8.
- Filtering: only support toneMap and zscale when FFmpeg is compiled with it
- Qt: switched to Qt 5.11 on Windows
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2018.06.04.1:
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Ps.: atm. only Windows and Linux are updated will update Mac version later today.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2018.06.18.1:
- Vapoursynth: adjusted AddLogo to handle Logos with uneven resolutions
- x265: --analysis-reuse-level
- Avisynth: SMDEGrain defaults
- qtgmc sharpness
- Avisynth: CustomName fixed for AutoAdjust
- Filtering: remove logo path in case logo doesn't exist
- Vapoursynth: better handle uneven resolutions and RGB input
- Vapoursynth: DeCross
- Vapoursynth: Histogram for preview
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2018.06.23.1:
- Synth: bunch of fixes for Avisynth and Vapoursynth filtering
- Avisynth: custom filter order and additions
- Vapoursynth: always using DeCross
- Vapoursynth: some additional color space limitations added to some filters
- general: code for loading profiles
- ffmpeg: changed 'limited' to 'tv' and 'full' to 'pc'
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2018.08.05.1:
- General: properly detect gpus with 'Mobile' in it's name
- Analysis: Image/Video reporting in MediaInfo for an Image sequence
- Audio: aften ac3 encoding
- Avisynth: Image Sequence + Denoiser + only filter dark
- Vapoursynth: Range conversion by setting the '_ColorRange' beforehand according to 'X' in 'X->Y'
- Avisynth: pc scale handling
- Vapoursynth: set range on resize, full range -> x264/x265
- Audio: fixed dts encoding
- Avisynth: QTGMC Sharpness value
- Avisynth: FrameRateConverter + don't hide defaults
- Vapoursynth: vsCustomAdditions
- Avisynth: custom 'before End', 'defore DeInterlace'
- Vapoursynth: vsDeGrainMedianModeY limit to 5
- Avisynth: using Avisynth+ now
- Tools: adjusted to latest QSVEncC
- Avisynth: removed avsCutSupport button, since avsViewer doesn't support it atm.
- Input: restrict accept button in ImageSequenceDialo
- Avisynth: TUnsharp, SmoothCurve, SmoothTweak(16), SmoothLevels16, SmoothLevels, DeblockPP7, Deblock, ColorBalance, BucketMedian, MedianBlur2
- Avisynth: ColorYUV support which allows LumaRange change
- Vapoursynth: MiniDeen, HQDN3D
- Video: support some of NVEncCs VPP filters
- Video: NVEncC support for 'use encoder only'-option
- Input: ffmpeg hwaccel choice
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.