Posts: 11.069
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Joined: May 2017
07.10.2018, 17:14
(This post was last modified: 07.10.2018, 17:15 by Selur.)
Hybrid rev 2018.10.07.1:
- Filtering: FFmpeg deinterlacer
- Output: File name generation using chapter names
- Subtitle: convertion from ass -> txt
- Vapoursynth: Histogram in Preview
- Windows: progress indication after minimize and restore
- Adjusted to QSVEncC 3.09 (Windows only)
- Analysis: subtitle analysis through MediaInfo, due to changes in MediaInfo
- Analysis: ignore audio languages which are not ISO 3166-1 alpha-2/3 conform
- Analysis: handling apcm_adx audio in mpeg container, since MediaInfo reports this wrong atm.
- Avisynth: set output depth explicitly
- General: Close Hybrid on Windows in case it's running with administrator rights.
- General: monitoring and file input.
- Misc: misc.ini got an 'runAsAdmin' option, if you use it don't complain in case Hybrid messes up your system
- Tags: tags clearing on file change.
- Video: Removed NVEnc MB check, since NVEncC doesn't read max MB and doesn't report it anymore (Windows only)
- Filtering: FFmpeg vidstab support
- Vapoursynth: mClean
- Video: NVEnc, key-frames on chapter start option (Windows only)
- Video: QSVEnc HDR signaling support (Windows only)
- Video: AV-1 support through aomenc and rav1e
- Filtering: 'mcdeint' support since it was removed from mencoder/mplayer
-> downloads:
Not releasing any Mac versions for the time being. (I don't have access to a mac anymore.)
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.069
Threads: 57
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2018.10.21.1:
- Analysis: mediainfo dts-hd detection
- Input: Input par not properly reset when 'Input PAR' was manually changed for previous source
- Audio: output created in temp folder in some cases with audio only output
- Video: splitting an mkv with split chapter, deleting of temp file
- Jobs: minimize job description for webm muxing
- Filtering: crash when using ToneMap (No XSynth)
- Video: crash when changing values in 'ffmpeg (NVEnc)'
- Video: AV1, adjusted aomenc bit-depth and color sampling restrictions
- Cosmetics: x265, finer control over qcomp
- Input: disabling crop when loading a new single source and autocrop isn't enabled
- Input: disabling 'convert output par to' when loading a new single source
- Output: support mkv(av1), mp4(av1), mp4(vp9) (requires latest mkvmerge and mp4box)
- Vapoursynth: updated to R45
- Video: NVEncC, trim used with cut (Windows only)
- Video: NVEncC, only add VUI parameters when they are enabled (Windows only)
- GUI: Added warning when drivers seem to be too old to work with NVEncC (Windows only)
- Vapoursynth: HDRToSDR by DG support (Windows only)
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.069
Threads: 57
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2018.11.01.1:
- output: mp4 output naming during batch processing
- analysis: mkv default&forced track detection
- video: support rav1e '--keyint'
- Qt Linux: min. version is now 5.5.1
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.069
Threads: 57
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2018.11.05.1:
- analysis: mkv default&forced track detection
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.069
Threads: 57
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2018.11.11.1:
- models: error messages about models which weren't created due to hardware/os limitations
- jobs: Avisynth, job id wasn't replaced
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.069
Threads: 57
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2018.12.09.1:
- jobs: deleting *.sub files
- Vapoursynth: mClean, missing libtemporalmedian dependency
- Subs: use more digits when calculation stretch factor
- Avisynth: selectEvery + Avisynth Filter View
- Avisynth: Preview filter reload
- Jobs: vpx mkv checks
- x265: minimize command line + weightb and preset slower+
- models: error messages about models which weren't created due to hardware/os limitations
- Avisynth: job id wasn't replaced when using dgindex
- jobs: parallel subjob-processing, process subjobs out of order and in parallel if possible
- muxing: use FFmpeg, enforces the use of ffmpeg as muxer, might be useful for bitrate stuffing
- Qt Windows: using Qt 5.12 now
- code: some rearraning, which might speedup the startup when Avisynth is disabled.
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.069
Threads: 57
Joined: May 2017
23.12.2018, 09:20
Hybrid rev 2018.12.23.1:
- subs: extract dvb as vobsub subtitles when they are inside an mkv container
- QSVEnc: remember HEVC 10bit support
- Jobs: image sequence job handling
- Jobs: mp4fpsmod input detection
- Jobs: NVEncC input detection
- Vapoursynth: handling 'cfr output'
- decode: enforce cfrDecode on scaleFPS
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.069
Threads: 57
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2019.01.06.1:
- subtitle: subtilte only extraction for mkv input
- subtitle: support extraction of dvb_subs as vobsub subtitles when they are inside an mkv container
- video: Xvid 2pass bitrate adjustment
- automation: handling of aborted subtitle extraction
- internal: changed the logging
- decoding: enforce cfr decode on fps scaling
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.069
Threads: 57
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2019.02.23.1:
- Vapoursynth: MLDegrain, MDering, aaf, DaaMod, Tweak, SmoothGrad
- Avisynth: MPEG2DecPlus
- Analysis: ImageSequence try 'Image' and 'Video'
- muxing: no explixit PAR (during muxing) signaling when XPS is enabled
- muxing: hevc brand signaling
- Avisynth/Vapoursynth: ffmsindex call for mkv(vp9) content
- Avisynth: use ConvertBits with full=true for PC scale
- Vapoursynth: d2vsource call, accidentally contained 'rff=False' for NTSC sources.
- Jobs: to wav job creation
- Preview: MPlayer not properly closing
- video: adjusted autoAltRef for vp9 and av1
- x265: rearranged x265->Singaling tab
- Vapoursynth: added OpenCL parameter to SMDeGrain
- lots of internal code changes
- Avisynth: lower threads in Prefetch
- Vapoursynth: DGDecIM support since it's not developed any more and doesn't work with latest drivers
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.069
Threads: 57
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2019.03.01.1:
- QSVEnc: typo when using HDR signaling
- avi: container tagging
- Avisynth: ConvertBits, don't use dither (stupid idea, since it's already handled when needed)
- Video: timecode files not created on all video formats
- x265: cu lossless not disabled when it has no effect
- Vaporusynth: mClean call
- QSVEnc: HDR signaling (typo)
- video: timcode handling with delays
- video: support rav1e bitrate&2pass bitrate encoding
- Vapoursynth: nnedi3cl support to nnedi3aa
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.