Quote:OK, thank you, try to download but 404, no file.
I assumed you downloaded the version and deleted it.
Quote:1. do i need to enabled the two options everytime when i want to encode ASS subtitle into video? to avoid getting any wrong blur effect or any other wrong effect.
Yes, the way you want the .ass code to be interpreted is not how ffmpeg and Vapoursynths own TextSubFilter interprets, so you need 'Prefer VsFilterMod' so that Hybrid known that it should use 'VsFilterMod'.
Additionally you want Hybrid to use Vapoursynth and not FFmpeg, thus 'Always use Vapoursynth' is required.
(similar settings can be used when using Avisynth)
Quote:2) encoding SUP into video is good even without enable the two options, so if videos have both same ASS and SUP, (SUP are converted by ASS), is it better to use SUP for encoding into video instead of using ASS? but i think ASS is the original file, maybe when encoded done subtitle in pcture has less jagged edge? or the same quality as sup encoding? but SUP gets less error, which one is best to use when encoding subtitle into video? ASS or SUP?
.sup subtitles are picture based, .ass subititles are text based.
To embed them into a video they both need to be converted into pixels which replace the original pixels based off the video.
Picture based subtitles can be easier handled and their specification rarely changes, downsize is that they have a fixed resolution and resizing them before embedding them will lower their quality.
Text subtitles on the other hand usually allow more freedom and sharper rendering before the embedding. Problem there is the interpretation of text subtitles might change easier since they rely on a filter to properly interpret them and convert then into pixels. (which can be problematic if the specification changed)
-> doesn't really matter as long as:
a. you don't change the resolution of video in which you embed the subtitles too much
b. the text subtitles get properly interpreted
Quote:3) if new version installed, i don't need to worry about non-english named folder issue, and can use chinese character named folder freely, right?
Same as before, only thing that changed is that Hybrid tries to use the 8.3 filename instead of the default long file name when feeding the subtitles to the VSFilterMod filter in Vapoursynth.
Can't tell for sure that there is nothing else that might have a problem with non-ascii characters.
Cu Selur
Ps.: I'll send you a new link.