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Thanks, i will try it out soon when i have finished this Bud Spencer Movie "Vier Fäuste für ein Halleluja"
i dont like Vapoursynth that much because i have banding when using TemporalDegrain2 in Staxrip where i need to use a debanding filter like Neo f3kdb in Vapoursynth, in Avisynth i have tested it too, its much slower but i dont have any banding. same with some other filters.
Vapoursynth is fast but inaccurate, thats why i like Avisynth more, its quality.
Now im playing around with DFTTest+MCDegrainSharp+Flash3k in Avisynth, which u cant use in Staxrip Avisynth. Vapoursynth Commandlines for Vapoursynth in Staxrip are not adjustable that much like in Hybrid.
I also dont like that G41Fun imported AVS filters stuff in VS
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Haven't encountered that Vapoursynth is less accuate, but for me it offers some really nice filters.
Only things I miss are:
a. RemoveDirts RestoreMotionBlocks
b. AutoAdjust
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
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Joined: Apr 2021
Where can i find RemoveDirt in Avisynth in Hybrid, i cant find it. I have found that Video on Youtube which looks very good. I Want that too!
EDIT: I have found it on Avisynth > Other.
Can you explain me what the modes are and grey checkox is? I found this: but no clue about these modes in Hybrid. Is it Remove Dirt or MCRemovedirt?
Where can i find RestoreMotionBlocks? Can it replace debanding filter?
I found all that Info here:
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Your Dev Version with changed Flash3k Deband is working fine, good work, thanks. Its now like neo_f3kdb and better, no more useless Grain because of dithering. Y and C Dither 0 is working as well now
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RemoveDirt is used in Scripts like KillerSpots, DeSpot, Spotless and similar scripts.
The RestoreMotionBlocks part is only used in a few like the advanced mode of KillerSpot script in Vapoursynth.
Sadly nobody has the knowledge and time to look into why the Vapoursynth bort of RemoveDirt with RestoreMotionBlocks crashes. :/
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
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Joined: May 2017
Happy that worked out fine.
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 95
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Joined: Apr 2021
Is there a way Hybrid can show me the commandline for the filter and filtersettings i have set?
ah, found

"Show Vapoursynth Script"
i have:
G41Fun.TemporalDegrain2(clip=clip, degrainPlane=4, meAlgPar=False, postFFT=3, fftThreads=3, SrchClipPP=0, rec=True)
its nice to clean some Series /movies /clips.