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Problems & Questions

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  1. My "Avisynth" tab is not useable (1 Reply)
  2. I suppose Older items in queue lead to crash (2 Replies)
  3. Drop frames when using ffmpegsource (4 Replies)
  4. Progress stuck while using avs2yuv (7 Replies)
  5. using cuvid in hwaccell ffmpeg (9 Replies)
  6. Telecine sync issues (7 Replies)
  7. FilteringModel get (4 Replies)
  8. NVENC update thread (7 Replies)
  9. problem with QTGMC (Avisynth) (7 Replies)
  10. Crash with ProRes 444 Input After Version Update (6 Replies)
  11. Hybrid Job Crash (5 Replies)
  12. [Bug] Stuck at waiting after crash (1 Reply)
  13. With many filters the video encoding does not start (3 Replies)
  14. x264 applying High10+10bit configuration (1 Reply)
  15. Rendering aborts aber some seconds suddenly... (3 Replies)
  16. Hybrid won't start up. (1 Reply)
  17. x265 encoding (2 Replies)
  18. series conversion (4 Replies)
  19. customName for 'addCustom' is empty (3 Replies)
  20. Hybrid crash encoding h264/aac in mp4 [Hybrid Shotcut 2018.05.25.1 macOS 10.3.5] (13 Replies)
  21. How do you cut in Hybrid? (2 Replies)
  22. not working nvenc ffmpeg (7 Replies)
  23. avisynth custom don't work (5 Replies)
  24. Please help me (1 Reply)
  25. Nothing happening (7 Replies)
  26. Why it's not finish? (3 Replies)
  27. UnCrop with Hybrid (3 Replies)
  28. Crop Don't Work (8 Replies)
  29. Huge parasites by x264 (4 Replies)
  30. Do not see x265 option (4 Replies)
  31. background grain splits into squares (3 Replies)
  32. Hybrid Erroe if use vapoursynth filters (4 Replies)
  33. Crash x265 average bitrate (1 Reply)
  34. Hybrid 2018.05.22.1 - constant crashes using x265 (8 Replies)
  35. Artefacts after Crop (1 Reply)
  36. Why the "Psy RD" value unable to change? (2 Replies)
  37. Disaster with wrong MPlayer (41 Replies)
  38. FFT3DFILTER BUG (1 Reply)
  39. HLS encoding support (6 Replies)
  40. Hybrid Dev version 2018.05.21.1 Crashes (9 Replies)
  41. mobile version hvc1 (1 Reply)
  42. Some problems with subtitles on OGM files (3 Replies)
  43. Installing AviSynth plugins for Hybrid on Mac OS X with Wine (8 Replies)
  44. Anyway to see a preview of the video (even a still image) before rendering? (1 Reply)
  45. What advantages gives adaptive quantization... (14 Replies)
  46. Support For Radeon R9 200 series (2 Replies)
  47. No presets for Nvencc (6 Replies)
  48. MCDegrainSharp BUG (1 Reply)
  49. Hybrid seems inactive during encoding (1 Reply)
  50. Hybrid doesn't want to encode audio in Win7 x64 (4 Replies)
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