Problems & Questions
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- My "Avisynth" tab is not useable (1 Reply)
- I suppose Older items in queue lead to crash (2 Replies)
- Drop frames when using ffmpegsource (4 Replies)
- Progress stuck while using avs2yuv (7 Replies)
- using cuvid in hwaccell ffmpeg (9 Replies)
- Telecine sync issues (7 Replies)
- FilteringModel get (4 Replies)
- NVENC update thread (7 Replies)
- problem with QTGMC (Avisynth) (7 Replies)
- Crash with ProRes 444 Input After Version Update (6 Replies)
- Hybrid Job Crash (5 Replies)
- [Bug] Stuck at waiting after crash (1 Reply)
- With many filters the video encoding does not start (3 Replies)
- x264 applying High10+10bit configuration (1 Reply)
- Rendering aborts aber some seconds suddenly... (3 Replies)
- Hybrid won't start up. (1 Reply)
- x265 encoding (2 Replies)
- series conversion (4 Replies)
- customName for 'addCustom' is empty (3 Replies)
- Hybrid crash encoding h264/aac in mp4 [Hybrid Shotcut 2018.05.25.1 macOS 10.3.5] (13 Replies)
- How do you cut in Hybrid? (2 Replies)
- not working nvenc ffmpeg (7 Replies)
- avisynth custom don't work (5 Replies)
- Please help me (1 Reply)
- Nothing happening (7 Replies)
- Why it's not finish? (3 Replies)
- UnCrop with Hybrid (3 Replies)
- Crop Don't Work (8 Replies)
- Huge parasites by x264 (4 Replies)
- Do not see x265 option (4 Replies)
- background grain splits into squares (3 Replies)
- Hybrid Erroe if use vapoursynth filters (4 Replies)
- Crash x265 average bitrate (1 Reply)
- Hybrid 2018.05.22.1 - constant crashes using x265 (8 Replies)
- Artefacts after Crop (1 Reply)
- Why the "Psy RD" value unable to change? (2 Replies)
- Disaster with wrong MPlayer (41 Replies)
- HLS encoding support (6 Replies)
- Hybrid Dev version 2018.05.21.1 Crashes (9 Replies)
- mobile version hvc1 (1 Reply)
- Some problems with subtitles on OGM files (3 Replies)
- Installing AviSynth plugins for Hybrid on Mac OS X with Wine (8 Replies)
- Anyway to see a preview of the video (even a still image) before rendering? (1 Reply)
- What advantages gives adaptive quantization... (14 Replies)
- Support For Radeon R9 200 series (2 Replies)
- No presets for Nvencc (6 Replies)
- MCDegrainSharp BUG (1 Reply)
- Hybrid seems inactive during encoding (1 Reply)
- Hybrid doesn't want to encode audio in Win7 x64 (4 Replies)