Problems & Questions
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- Hybrid Keeps Crashing and Stopping the Encodes in the Middle of Certain Chapters (1 Reply)
- Any Way to Only Encode A Little Bit, Stop the Encode and Then Check the Result? (5 Replies)
- "Found no video or audio data" (1 Reply)
- Can't use DGDecNV with an RTX 3080 (11 Replies)
- Wrong crop and aspect ratio (3 Replies)
- Need help whit encoding (Interframe parameters) (15 Replies)
- Can't use mkvextract without knowing it's version! (1 Reply)
- Hybrid failed to create video (6 Replies)
- Vapoursynth not recognizing subtitles for harcoding.Neither does Avisynth (17 Replies)
- AviSynth 32 bit - ColorMatrix filter not working for video? (22 Replies)
- Custom Filter Order list broken in Hybrid 2020.11.03.1 (1 Reply)
- Immediate crash when encoding from a DVD file (4 Replies)
- Crop/Resize (36 Replies)
- QTGMC VapourSynth bob option (1 Reply)
- Collect key frames does not work (9 Replies)
- output format (15 Replies)
- "Crashed with exit status 0" on every format on any video. (1 Reply)
- Avisynth QTGMC Denoising crashes, missing fft3dfilter.dll (3 Replies)
- Vaporsynth pseudo "slow-mo" (1 Reply)
- "Vaporsynth" filters unstable behavior (3 Replies)
- HDR10+ backwards to HDR10 (8 Replies)
- I'm having problems audio encoding to aac format (4 Replies)
- AssumeFPS (3 Replies)
- FrameRateComverter issue (12 Replies)
- Zopti implementation (1 Reply)
- Unable to start program on Win 8.1 (2 Replies)
- Hybrid encoder crashing while encoding dvd folder to mkv (16 Replies)
- GUI on Linux broken. (7 Replies)
- AviSynth 32 bit - Can't process mpg file, Hybrid won't use MPEG2Source (1 Reply)
- Increasing font size in hybrid (5 Replies)
- VapourSynth Levels filter does not work for RGB24 image streams (12 Replies)
- AviSynth x86 - Image sequence issue in previewer (3 Replies)
- HDR10 Metadata (4 Replies)
- Vapoursynth and VIVTC-QTGMC Option? (6 Replies)
- mkv output always use ffmpeg instead of mkvmerge (6 Replies)
- is too small! (byteSize: 0byte) (7 Replies)
- Increase Dialogue Volume (2 Replies)
- Hybrid vs DAIN-APP (1 Reply)
- Various bugs with latest dev build (2020.09.25-21270) (24 Replies)
- can't run as admin (12 Replies)
- x264 colormatrix option changes when "Overwrite input type scan" is enabled (24 Replies)
- Issue with QTGMC - Video is *not* interlaced if input type is *not* 0 (13 Replies)
- Adding script to Vapoursynth in Hybrid (1 Reply)
- DFM DeRainbow & Motion Compensation cause crash (8 Replies)
- avsInfo.exe has stopped working (7 Replies)
- x.264 t_mod upgrade (5 Replies)
- Check Filter(s) Bit Depth Directly in Hybrid (2 Replies)
- Hybrid UI Icons Redesign and Discussion (7 Replies)
- Request: Add "MatchPreset" and "MatchEnhance" settings to QTGMC (3 Replies)
- Red Outline In Converted Videos. (2 Replies)