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How to Install Hybrid on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04)?
I am a new user of Ubuntu and I don't know how to install Hybrid on Ubuntu


Please help me
The download on the download page is a binary only.
You need to 'sudo chmod a+x Hybrid' to make it executable.
You would also need to install all the dependencies Hybrid requires.

djcj is also working on a few scripts to build all the dependencies of Hybrid (see: last few posts of
I ran an older version of the script and created a folder containing Hybrid and it's dependencies (extracting that folder should provide Hybrid with the needed dependencies without having to install it)

Cu Selur


(13.07.2019, 05:59)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]The download on the download page is a binary only.
You need to 'sudo chmod a+x Hybrid' to make it executable.
You would also need to install all the dependencies Hybrid requires.

djcj is also working on a few scripts to build all the dependencies of Hybrid (see: last few posts of
I ran an older version of the script and created a folder containing Hybrid and it's dependencies (extracting that folder should provide Hybrid with the needed dependencies without having to install it)

Cu Selur
Owhhh... Okay
Thanks!    Big Grin


(13.07.2019, 05:59)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]I ran an older version of the script and created a folder containing Hybrid and it's dependencies (extracting that folder should provide Hybrid with the needed dependencies without having to install it)
Oh, nice. Now I can use Hybrid on Ubuntu
Thanks again

Argh,... something is wrong with the 32bit binaries when calling
I only get a file or folder not found.
selur@selur-VirtualBox:~/Schreibtisch/Hybrid_20190713/hybrid$ ./DivX265
bash: ./DivX265: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

Cu Selur
(13.07.2019, 15:59)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Argh,... something is wrong with the 32bit binaries when calling
I only get a file or folder not found.
selur@selur-VirtualBox:~/Schreibtisch/Hybrid_20190713/hybrid$ ./DivX265
bash: ./DivX265: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

Cu Selur
Is your Ubuntu installation able to run 32 bit binaries? I remember those "file not found" errors in a chroot installation because of missing 32 bit support.
Try the following:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt install multiarch-support libc6-i386 lib32gcc1 lib32stdc++6
Just, tried that myself before reading your post. -> that fixed the issue