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Full Version: Adding a new filter to Avisynth
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Would you consider adding vmtoon for AviSynth? Or, if I can do it myself, how can I add it?
I never used VMToon,...
Assuming you know your way around Avisynth, you can call it in a custom section.
You could also write a Custom script/filter additon to include it in the GUI.
(Hybrid\CustomSynthScripts, contains some examples.)

Cu Selur
I thought I could do it, but I didn't have the knowledge. Can you help me add this filter? To be honest, I would really like you to do this. I looked at the examples, but I couldn't even understand the DLL names; they all seemed to be abbreviated
I can look at it tomorrow (on my way to bed).
From a quick look, that script is really old and I'm not sure all the dependencies work with Avisynth+ nowadays (preferably 64bit):
  • XSharpen (no clue where to get a download for that)
  • MaskTools (no clue whether a current mask tool version will work)

Why do you ask for support for such an old script if you haven't used it before?
According to it does not sound like vmtoon is that good,...

Cu Selur

Ps.: also using Vapoursynth you probably can get easier (maybe better) results for cartoon content.
Actually, I was using Supertoon, but sometimes it confuses shadows with line art. When I tried the same frames with VMToon on avisynth, the issue was resolved. I don't know, maybe it's as you said and it's bad, but for now, I'm seeing better results. The choice is yours. Good night. 🙂
Can you share the dlls and scripts you used when using vmToon?
btw. seems like vmToon is old too:
Quote:proToon is a line darkening script, used to be known as vmToon and before that mfToon.
Oh, sorry about that! tried ProToon and it looks so much better. Let's skip VMToon and go with ProToon instead 🙂 By the way, if I'm not using the wrong version of MaskTools, I'm getting an error with the mt_lutxy parameter in ProToon.avsi.
Okay, ProToon doesn't work for me since I have no 64bit XSharpen dll.
So, I'm not adding that to Hybrid.
Assuming you got all the libraries, you can create a "Filtering->Avisynth->Custom" and enter:
LoadPlugin("PATH TO \64bit\Avisynth\avisynthPlugins\RgTools.dll")
LoadPlugin("PATH TO  \64bit\Avisynth\avisynthPlugins\masktools2.dll")
LoadPlugin("PATH TO  the XSharpen dll")
Import("PATH TO proToon.avsi") # this path need to be adjusted
to use it.
I'll write a port for Vapoursynth.

Cu Selur
Required Plugins
The latest versions of the following filters are recommended unless stated otherwise:

RemoveGrain (part of the RemoveGrain v1.0b package)
RgTools (recommended drop-in replacement for RemoveGrain!)
Isn't it enough to install these three? Why are you mentioning XSharpen?
works for me with these three installed
WarpSharp probably offers XSharpen Smile
=> yes:, but
Quote: NOTE: the 64-bit WarpSharp plugin has a bug, the output of the Warpsharp() filter on x64 is different then the x32 version [1].
So instead of:
LoadPlugin("PATH TO  the XSharpen dll")
LoadPlugin("PATH TO  the warpsharp.dll")
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