Ok, thanks for info. In AviSynth Wilki DeHalo_alpha described as "Very powerful filter to remove edge enhancement artifacts." So seems it is really best filter to go.
Some oversharpening really exists due QTGMC itself. Even if Sharpness mark is unchecked in UI, it is always used in VapourSynth script. So QTGMC always force use Sharpness=1.0. This is bad.
Is it possible somehow to edit Hybrid VapourSynth script manually to fix this problem?
Here is what i see when i click to "Show VapourSynth Script" button:
# Deinterlacing using QTGMC
clip = havsfunc.QTGMC(Input=clip, Preset="Slower", TFF=True, InputType=0, TR2=1, Sharpness=1.0, SourceMatch=0, Lossless=0)

UPDATE: Seems i find a problem fix:
Export QTGMC preset from Hybrid.
Open .json file in Text Editor.
Change "vsQTGMCSharpness": "1.0" to "vsQTGMCSharpness": "0.0"
Save scahges.
Apply same preset in Hybrid.
Now the code in "Show VapourSynth Script" looks like this:
# Deinterlacing using QTGMC
clip = havsfunc.QTGMC(Input=clip, Preset="Slower", TFF=True, InputType=0, TR2=1, Sharpness=0.0, SourceMatch=0, Lossless=0)
This is not a replacement for DeHalo_alpha filter but this can make things looking slightly more smoother and softer.
This needs some tests to proof, but usually it is always better to apply sharpen filter on already upscaled HD video but not on SD video before upscaling.