libivtc.dylib and libdpod.dylibl are not in installer. Packages use cache and it require to re-import updated apps manually to apply all changes for real. It won't autoupdate if simply change something inside Finder folder
![[Image: ZJuNHQD.jpg]](
what a ....
I don't see any option to tell it to 're-import' stuff,...
Also what program do you use to see the content of the pkg file?
To re-import app, just delete it from list with "-" button, and then add new version by "+" button
To see contents i use Pacifist I suggrsted it to you from first day long long time ago.
![[Image: 58gJ8U7.jpg]](
Refreshed the Hybrid_2021.07.18.1.dmg package download.
Hope it works now as intended,...
Cu Selur
Ok. Seems there is another bug in installer. models-srmd folder inside Models folder is empty and locked. This is really strange because Pacifist shows that some files exists inside that folder.
Probably need to re-import models-srmd folder separately inside Packages
![[Image: PnURtdB.jpg]](
Removed all the model folders and added them again.
Refreshed the download. Keeping my fingers crossed that it helped.
Cu Selur
Regarding LWLibavSource: are the plugins inside your /Library/Frameworks/VapourSynth.framework/lib/vapoursynth/ folder?
Might be a rights issue. -> rights are not 755 but 644 :/
(18.07.2021, 14:10)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Regarding LWLibavSource: are the plugins inside your /Library/Frameworks/VapourSynth.framework/lib/vapoursynth/ folder?
Might be a rights issue. -> rights are not 755 but 644 :/
Seems that problem was on my side due multiple installation and deinstallation of the plugins. I reinstalled Vapoursynth and plugins and all works well now.
That's strange... When i click to
libdecross.dylib or to
libdpid.dylib -
Finder relaunches. As i remember same problem was noticed due conflict somewhere in names.
Okay, to be sure I adjusted the rights to 755 and refreshed the download.
Cu Selur