Vapoursynth shouldn't be loaded when simply clicking on a .dylib file, but no clue what Finder does when one does.
Try whether after calling:
chmod 644 /Library/Frameworks/VapourSynth.framework/lib/vapoursynth/*
a. the problem still exists
b. filters in Vapoursynth still work
(I suspect that 644 is the correct rights association for dylibs and should still work in Vapoursynth.)
Cu Selur
sudo chmod 644 doesn't helps.
After computer restart i got same Finder crash if click to libdpid.dylib or libdecross.dylib
DPID works in Hybrid as well as DeCross. I see then i script and see visual changes when on/off filters
Quote:sudo chmod 644 doesn't helps.
but the filters still work, right?
Quote:DPID works in Hybrid as well as DeCross. I see then i script and see visual changes when on/off filters
Okay, so Vapoursynth isn't whats causing the issue but Finder or some application Finder starts.
Since clicking and double-clicking on the two dylib files does not cause any problems in my VM I suspect you installed some program which acts alongside Finder.
Try if you see any error messages if you:
- open a terminal and call:
tail -f /var/log/system.log
- click on the dylib file to cause the crash
the output in the terminal might help figuring out what is causing the crash
Cu Selur
Like I wrote check the system.log with a bit of luck you should see what crashes and why.
Cu Selur
VapourSynth+Plugins+Scripts+Hybrid-2021.07.26 package updates:
Hybrid 2021.07.18
Included MKVToolNix 53.0.0 - the last version compatible with macOS 10.14 Mojave.
If you work with MKV subtitles or use macOS 10.15 and higher , it is recommended to use Hybrid build from instead of my Mojave optimized build.
Hybrid/FFmpeg now able to read ProRes 4444 as true 12 bit. (But seems ProRes 444 render is still limited to 10bit only)
TIVTC filter added to Plugins pkg.
DPID filter added to Plugins pkg, but seems it conflicts with DeCross by producing Finder crash if click to one of these. DPID is special downscale resizer filter, so you can delete it if you don't use it or if you expect some problems with it.
See detailed changelog here

DOWNLOAD package from Google Drive:
2021-07-26 also works in Rosetta. Not in a hurry, but is native Apple Silicon on the roadmap for Hybrid? FFMPEG went native a little while back, but I'm not sure about Vapoursynth. Is that what's holding back native support?
Quote:is native Apple Silicon on the roadmap for Hybrid?
No, not thinking at it at all atm.
Quote: Is that what's holding back native support?
Why no m1 support atm. :
- I don't have any means build or test an m1 build.
- Qt has no m1 compatible version
- Afaik most tools are not m1 compatible.
Not only ffmpeg but all the addons in it that are used during build need to be m1 compatible.
Also I suspect that mplayer/mencoder, which is abandoned for years, won't be ported to m1.
So without it:
a. no DVD support
b. nor normal Preview
c. tons of rewriting will be needed to work around the missing mplayer/mencoder
So when m1 Mac drop Rosetta, Hybrid might not be available on those macs.
Cu Selur
as a heads up, i got Vapoursynth R57 running on MacOS, just need to check which filters need to be updated,..
-> if any one has the motivation to check the current filter versions against the filters comming with Hybrid and list the ones that need update would help
Cu Selur
Great news, but i guess we need to wait until l33tmeadwad will update plugins. As i know it was no plugins updates yet...
I can check how current versions work. But same as before i can test only on Mojave.
Any additional installation steps? Or just uninstall old VapourSynth, install R57 and Hybrid from dev version download link?
In those newer versions of Hybrid plugins are included inside Hybrid now?