Mctemproalsmooth denoiser doesnt work, drtt3d denoiser doesnt work.
Trying to figure out the best setting to remove mosquito noise. Or noise from a poorly low bitrate encoded dvd.

Seems it was some bug with new versions of plug-ins that may cause deinterlace problems with some settings. Currently as temporary solution it is recommended to download and install older version of MVTools
and FFTW dependency from this post
(Have no idea which is more stable MVTools v19 or MVtools v20)
Put and replace libmvtools.dylib plug-in in /Library/Frameworks/VapourSynth.framework/lib/vapoursynth
Put libfftw3f_threads.3.dylib and libfftw3f.3.dylib dependencies to /Library/Frameworks/VapourSynth.framework/lib
(14.07.2020, 01:07)shijan Wrote: [ -> ]
Seems it was some bug with new versions of plug-ins that may cause deinterlace problems with some settings. Currently as temporary solution it is recommended to download and install older version of MVTools and FFTW dependency from this post
(Have no idea which is more stable MVTools v19 or MVtools v20)
Put and replace libmvtools.dylib plug-in in /Library/Frameworks/VapourSynth.framework/lib/vapoursynth
Put libfftw3f_threads.3.dylib and libfftw3f.3.dylib dependencies to /Library/Frameworks/VapourSynth.framework/lib
Qtgmc works at slow, slower placebo and Custom . Using using mvtools 20.
I am running a file on custom, with ezdenoise 2.0, ft3d works but KcNlmeans and Dftest Denoiser crashes.
If there are bugs or something needs to be put through its paces ... It’s me I always find the bugs.
nVapourSynth + Plugins + Scripts + Hybrid package update 2020.07.20
Updated VapourSynth-R50 installer components.
FFmpeg 4.3.1 (Inside
MKVToolNix 48.0.0 (Inside
MVTools plug-in downgraded to stable v20 (new self contained version).
Updated FAQ.

DOWNLOAD from Dropbox:

DOWNLOAD from Google Drive:
THIS IS A CRITICAL UPDATE! MVTools plug-in was downgraded to v20 because some reports that newer versions of MVTools (v23) produce problems and freezes during deinterlace.
Make sure you COMPLETELY UNINSTALL OLD VERSION before install this new version.
Selur, seems here is a bug. I notice you updated Scripts about a month ago and today so i download them and try to use.
As before i put a copy inside Hybrid app and another copy to
With new scripts and
Very Slow or
Placebo deinterlace settings i got:
Aborting '06_15_03_5110_02_video' due to: ERROR
I try VS 50 or 51 and different versions of MVTools and got same error. So it is definitely some problem with updated script itself or with macOS version compatibility.
Here i attach old working scripts to compare, if it helps.
Can’t wait for the newest version of hybrid with updated qtgmc/neo-fftd.
Guess will gsve to wait for neo-fftd to be mac compiled first?
Thanks for info Selur! I also hope to see new filter compiled l33tmeatwad.
Anyway i recommend use "Slow" preset because it gives me the best speed vs quality ratio.
Here is one more question. Why DeCrawl filter is always disabled? Is it possible that some plug-in missing? Or is it require some special settings in Hybrid?
![[Image: Kfbbxv8.jpg]](
A bunch of filters:
nnedi3cl, knlmeanscl, DegrainMedain, MCDegrainSharp, SSIW Waifu2x and the DeCrawl filters weren't available for OS X since neither I nor l33tmeatwad figured out a way to compile them for Mac back then.
-> there's no way to enable them without changing Hybrids code
Cu Selur